Electric Multimodal Transport Systems for Enhancing Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (e-MATS), 699469 EUR to the European partners, 250000 EUR to Politehnica University of Timisoara (UPT), 4000000 RMB (equivalent 510509.63 EUR) to the Chinese partners, UPT financed by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI), 2024-2026, project code: ERANET-ENUAC-e-MATS

The link to the project's website, which provides information and facts about the project at JPI Urban Europe:

The partners:

The UPT team:



Estimated results:

Research reports of the UPT partner:

Overall results of the UPT partner (2024-2026):

Results of the UPT partner in 2025:

Results of the UPT partner in 2024: