Service and Member of Scientific and Technical Societies:
- Founder and chair of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Romania Chapter (since 2015) (,
- The International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Technical Committee on Computational Intelligence in Control (since 2002, previously named Cognition and Control) (
- The IFAC Technical Committee on Linear Control Systems (since 2020) (
- Senior Member, IEEE (since 2007), member of the Control Systems Society (since 2003), member of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (since 2003), member of the Computational Intelligence Society (since 2010), member of the Industrial Electronics Society (since 2011).
- The Task Force on Autonomous Learning Systems within the Neural Networks Technical Committee of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (since 2013) (
- The Technical Committee on Computational Cybernetics of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (since 2014) (
- The Technical Committee on Cyber-Medical Systems of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (since 2016) (
- The Task Force on Adaptive and Evolving Fuzzy Systems within the Fuzzy Systems Technical Committee of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (since 2020) (
- The Technical Committee on Data-Driven Control and Monitoring of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (since 2020) (
- The Technical Committee on Control, Robotics and Mechatronics of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (since 2021) (
- The IEEE Taskforce on Evolutionary Scheduling and Combinatorial Optimisation of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (since 2022) (
- Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs) (since 2017) (,
- The Working Group WG 12.9 on Computational Intelligence of the Technical Committee TC12 on Artificial Intelligence of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP, since 2011) (
- European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT, since 2010) (
- Honorary member of Hungarian Fuzzy Association (HFA, MFT, Budapest, since 2005).
- Chair of the Timisoara Branch of the Robotics Society of Romania (SRR, Craiova, since 2020) (, Timisoara Branch).
- Romanian Society of Control Engineering and Technical Informatics (SRAIT, Bucharest, since 1993) (
- Romanian Society of Electrical Plants and Automation (SIEAR, Bucharest, since 1996).
- Mentor at WCCI 2020 in the framework of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Mentoring Program (The Certificate of Engagement).
- The Technical Committee on Virtual Systems in Measurements of the IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Society (2008-2019) (The Certificate of Appreciation).
- The Task Force on Educational Aspects of Standards of Computational Intelligence as part of the Technical Committee on Standards in the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (2008-2019).