Supervision of Diploma, M.Sc. and B.Sc. Theses:
The following students have defended their diploma, M.Sc. and B.Sc. theses under my supervision at the Faculty of Automation and Computers, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania:
2021: Iulia Botnari, "Face recognition solutions for persons wearing protective face masks" (in Romanian: "Solutie de recunoastere faciala a persoanelor care poarta masti de protectie"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Dacian Andrei Buda, "Automatic test applications in automotive industry developed in Automation Test Platform" (in Romanian: "Aplicatii de testare automata in industria autovehiculelor dezvoltate in Automation Test Platform"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Camelia-Iulia Căplescu, "MedTim - Online platform dedicated to general practitioners in Timisoara" (in Romanian: "MedTim - Platforma online destinata medicilor de familie din Timisoara"), M.Sc. thesis in Informatics Systems Applied to Manufacturing and Services. Alexandru-Marian Chiru, "Using nonparametric tests in comparing metaheuristic optimization algorithms" (in Romanian: "Utilizarea testelor neparametrice in compararea algoritmilor metaeuristici de optimizare"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Cristina Andreea Codrean, "ANFIS solution for temperature control" (in Romanian: "Solutie ANFIS de reglare a temperaturii"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Ligia-Izabela Crăciunescu, "Applications dedicated to the development of an automatic test environment" (in Romanian: "Aplicatii dedicate dezvoltarii unui mediu de testare automata"), M.Sc. thesis in Informatics Systems Applied to Manufacturing and Services. Bianca-Eveline Jurca, "Application for the asynchronous writing and reading parameters using the XCP protocol in the automotive industry" (in Romanian: "Aplicatie de scriere si citire asincrona a parametrilor folosind protocolul XCP in industria autovehiculelor"), M.Sc. thesis in Informatics Systems Applied to Manufacturing and Services, co-supervisor: Assist. Lect. Dr.-Ing. Raul-Cristian Roman. Mădălina Marinescu, "Automation of certain steps of the ASPICE process using instruments specific to Software Architecture Plugin" (in Romanian: "Automatizarea unor etape ale procesului ASPICE utilizand instrumente specifice Software Architecture Plugin"), M.Sc. thesis in Informatics Systems Applied to Manufacturing and Services, co-supervisor: Assist. Lect. Dr.-Ing. Raul-Cristian Roman. Niculina-Maria Mischie, "Comparative analysis of artificial neural networks obtained for the diagnosis of coronary diseases" (in Romanian: "Analiza comparativa a retelor neuronale artificiale obtinute pentru diagnosticarea bolilor coronariene"), M.Sc. thesis in Informatics Systems Applied to Manufacturing and Services. Monica-Lavinia Nedelcea, "Comparative analysis of linear models used in glycemic control of type 1 diabetes patients" (in Romanian: "Analiza performantelor unor modele liniare utilizate in reglarea glicemiei pacientilor cu diabet zaharat de tip 1"), M.Sc. thesis in Informatics Systems Applied to Manufacturing and Services. Darius Octavian Negîrla, "System for the automatic check of body temperature by thermal scanning" (in Romanian: "Sistem de verificare automata a temperaturii corporale prin termoscanare"), diploma thesis in Automation and Applied Informatics.
2020: Ileana-Adelina Nicu, "Application of diagnosis services in the automotive field using the DoIP protocol" (in Romanian: "Aplicarea unor servicii de diagnoza in domenul autovehiculelor folosind protocolul DoIP"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering.
2019: Ion Panfilii, "Comparative analysis of training algorithms for neural networks" (in Romanian: "Analiza comparativa a unor algoritmi de invatare pentru retele neuronale"), M.Sc. thesis in Informatics Systems Applied to Manufacturing and Services, co-supervisor: Assist. Lect. Dr.-Ing. Raul-Cristian Roman. Daniel Turcian, "Speed control system for electrical vehicles" (in Romanian: "Sistem de reglare a vitezei unor autovehicule electrice"), M.Sc. thesis in Informatics Systems Applied to Manufacturing and Services, co-supervisor: Assist. Lect. Dr.-Ing. Raul-Cristian Roman. Mădălina Marinescu, "Automatic extraction of variables and functions of software projects in a company" (in Romanian: "Extragerea automata a variabilelor si a functiilor aferente arhitecturilor software ale proiectelor din cadrul unei firme"), diploma thesis in Automation and Applied Informatics, co-supervisor: Assist. Lect. Dr.-Ing. Raul-Cristian Roman. Ligia-Izabela Crăciunescu, "Approaches to reduce the number of intersections of components of software projects in a company" (in Romanian: "Abordari de reducere a numarului de intersectii dintre componentele arhitecturilor software ale proiectelor din cadrul unei firme"), diploma thesis in Automation and Applied Informatics, co-supervisor: Assist. Lect. Dr.-Ing. Raul-Cristian Roman. Veronica-Stefania Căluşeru, "Application for testing by automatic detection of functionalities of dashboard instrumentation" (in Romanian: "Aplicatie de testare prin detectie automata a functionalitatilor instrumentelor de bord"), diploma thesis in Automation and Applied Informatics, co-supervisor: Assist. Lect. Dr.-Ing. Raul-Cristian Roman. Alexandru-Marian Chiru, "Sensor-based object height control" (in Romanian: "Reglarea automata a inaltimii unui obiect pe baza de senzori"), diploma thesis in Automation and Applied Informatics, co-supervisor: Assist. Lect. Dr.-Ing. Raul-Cristian Roman.
2018: Alina Coita, "Backtracking search optimization algorithm applied to the optimal tuning of DC motor controllers", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software, co-supervisor: Assist. Lect. Dr.-Ing. Raul-Cristian Roman. Costel Nicuşor Todiruţă, "CAN communication protocol using Arduino" (in Romanian: "Protocolul CAN de comunicare utilizand Arduino"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering, co-supervisor: Assist. Lect. Dr.-Ing. Raul-Cristian Roman. Paul-Sebastian Stanciu, "PSO-GSA and PSO-GWO metaheuristic algorithms for the optimal tuning of the parameters of a fuzzy controller" (in Romanian: "Algoritmi metaeuristici PSO-GSA si PSO-GWO pentru acordarea optimala a parametrilor unui regulator fuzzy"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering, co-supervisor: Assist. Lect. Dr.-Ing. Raul-Cristian Roman. Andrei Drăgănescu, "WOA and PSO metaheuristic algorithms for benchmark-type optimization problems" (in Romanian: "Algoritmi metaeuristici WOA si PSO pentru probleme de optimizare de tip benchmark"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering, co-supervisor: Assist. Lect. Dr.-Ing. Raul-Cristian Roman. Raul-Florin Volentir, "Disabled people pedestrian assistance system using convolutional neural networks" (in Romanian: "Sistem de asistenta pietonala a persoanelor cu dizabilitati folosind retele neuronale artificiale cu harti de convolutie"), diploma thesis in Automation and Applied Informatics, co-supervisor: Assist. Lect. Dr.-Ing. Raul-Cristian Roman.
2017: Cristina Ursu, "Applications of automatic testing of airbag systems" (in Romanian: "Aplicatii de testare automata a sistemelor de airbag"), M.Sc. thesis in Informatics Systems Applied to Manufacturing and Services. Bogdan Onode, "Platform for development and testing of driving dynamics on electric cars" (in Romanian: "Platforma de dezvoltare si testare a dinamicii condusului pe masini electrice"), diploma thesis in Automation and Applied Informatics (AAI), co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Bojan-Dragoş. Elisabeta Maria Vânătu, "Design of the semi-automatic mounting station and automatic testing of the ASM Remote Control C8 mechanism" (in Romanian: "Proiectarea statiei semiautomate de montaj si verificarea automata a mecanismului ASM Remote Control C8"), diploma thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Bojan-Dragoş.
2016: Iulia Lascu, "Functional safety mechanisms in advanced driving assistant systems" (in Romanian: "Mecanisme de siguranta functionala in sisteme avansate de asistenta a conducerii automobilului"), M.Sc. thesis in Informatics Systems Applied to Manufacturing and Services.
2015: Teodor-Adrian Teban, "Analysis of myoelectric signal from hand arm segment using neural network models", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Delia Ioana Ursulică, "Control algorithms for a self-balancing robot" (in Romanian: "Algoritmi de reglare pentru un robot de tip balansor"), M.Sc. thesis in Informatics Systems Applied to Manufacturing and Services, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Bojan-Dragoş. Marius-Csaba Sabău, "Using a biologically inspired optimization algorithm in the fuzzy modeling of a car pressure monitoring sensor" (in Romanian: "Utilizarea unui algoritm de optimizare de inspiratie biologica in modelarea fuzzy a unui senzor de monitorizare a presiuni intr-un autovehicul"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Angel-Daniel Leucuş, "Matlab implementation of applications concerning evolving fuzzy systems" (in Romanian: "Implementarea in Matlab a unor aplicatii privind modele fuzzy evolutive"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Camelia Jivan, "Unified diagnostic services used in customer diagnosis module for airbag ECU", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Bojan-Dragoş. Ioana Dragomir, "Model-based development in the automotive field using Matlab Simulink" (in Romanian: "Dezvoltare bazata pe modele folosind Matlab Simulink in domeniul autovehiculelor"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering.
2014: Adrian-Călin Muntean, "Fuzzy control systems for liquid level control in a multi-tank laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Sisteme de reglare fuzzy pentru reglarea nivelului lichidului din echipamentul de laborator de tip sistem multirezervor"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Adrian-Alexandru Leipnik, "Vehicle blind spot detection using GMR sensors", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Dragoş. Alexandra-Dina Balint, "Backtracking Search Optimization algorithm applied to the optimal tuning of parameters of the controllers for a DC motor" (in Romanian: "Algoritm de tip Backtracking Search Optimization aplicat in acordarea optimala a parametrilor regulatoarelor pentru un motor de curent continuu"), M.Sc. thesis in Informatics Systems Applied to Manufacturing and Services, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Andrei-Alexandru Creţu, "An application for information processing in a data warehouse" (in Romanian: "Aplicatie de prelucrare a datelor aferente depozitelor de date"), M.Sc. thesis in Informatics Systems Applied to Manufacturing and Services, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Dragoş. Andrei Șimonea, "Test environment for devices with sound functionalities", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Gabriel Glişa, "Instrument cluster Android application", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. George-Cosmin Moroşan, "Applications based on radar systems in the automotive industry ", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Lavinia Popescu, "Quality assurance of software product in the banking sector" (in Romanian: "Asigurarea calitatii produselor software in domeniul bancar"), M.Sc. thesis in Informatics Systems Applied to Manufacturing and Services, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Dragoş. Marinela-Nicoleta Faur, "Modern and innovative solution to help physicians and patients" (in Romanian: "Solutie moderna si inovativa pentru sistemul medical"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Dragoş. Oana-Georgeta Lungu, "Analysis of software engineers perceptions on project management practices" (in Romanian: "Analiza perceptiilor inginerilor software asupra practicilor de management al proiectelor"), M.Sc. thesis in Informatics Systems Applied to Manufacturing and Services, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr. Katarzyna Musial-Gabrys (King's College London, UK). Raul-Cristian Roman, "Control structures based on model-free adaptive control and model-free control. Applications to a two-rotor system aerodynamic system laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Structuri de reglare bazate pe model-free adaptive control si model-free control. Aplicatii pe un echipament de laborator de tip sistem aerodinamic cu doua rotoare"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Silviu Ursulescu, "Evolving fuzzy models for a laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Dezvoltarea unor modele fuzzy evolutive pentru un echipament de laborator"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Adrian-Marius Petcu, "Development of a fuzzy automaton dedicated to the control of mobile robots" (in Romanian: "Dezvoltarea unui automat fuzzy dedicat conducerii robotilor mobili"), diploma thesis in Automation and Applied Informatics (AAI). Carmen-Elvira Gîrbaci, "Control solutions for a tower crane laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Solutii de reglare pentru un echipament de laborator de tip macara turn"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Emanuel Sandu, "Theoretical and experimental study related to a quadrocopter model" (in Romanian: "Studiu teoretic si experimental relativ la un model de quadrocopter"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Preitl and Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Dragoş. Iulia Lascu, "Automatic evaluation of tests for a rain and light sensor in the automotive industry" (in Romanian: "Evaluarea automata a testelor pentru un senzor de ploaie si lumina in industria automotive"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI. Nicoleta-Ștefania Gîlcă, "An application for the automatic generation of project management plans" (in Romanian: "Aplicatie de generare automata a planurilor de management ale proiectelor"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI. Patricia Beatrice Secoşan, "Development of fuzzy controllers dedicated to the liquid level control in a multi-tank system laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Dezvoltarea unor regulatoare fuzzy dedicate reglarii nivelului lichidului din cadrul unui echipament de laborator de tip sistem multirezervor"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Patricia Roxana Trandafir, "Biologically inspired algorithms in the optimal tuning of the parameters of the fuzzy models for a magnetic levitation laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Algoritmi de inspiratie biologica in acordarea optimala a parametrilor modelelor fuzzy pentru un echipament de laborator cu levitatie magnetica"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Dragoş. Silvia Vlad, "Biologically inspired algorithms in the optimal tuning of the parameters of the fuzzy models for an ABS laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Algoritmi de inspiratie biologica in acordarea optimala a parametrilor modelelor fuzzy pentru un echipament de laborator de tip ABS"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Dragoş. Sorin-George Marişcaş, "Biologically inspired algorithms in the optimal tuning of the parameters of the fuzzy models for a pendulum-cart laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Algoritmi de inspiratie biologica in acordarea optimala a parametrilor modelelor fuzzy pentru un echipament de laborator de tip pendul-carucior"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Dragoş.
2013: Andrei-Leonard Borza, "Bacterial Foraging Optimization algorithm implementation in the optimal control of an automotive torque motor actuator", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Bogdan-Alexandru Bigher, "Tire pressure filling assistant modelling application", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Bogdan Gligor, "Occupant state detection system in passenger cars", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Dragoş. Dan Cristian Bota, "Fractional controller tuning for engine control systems with lambda control", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Dragoş. Daniel Ion Poenaru, "Integrated software application for sensor data processing" (in Romanian: "Aplicatie software integrata pentru prelucrarea datelor senzoriale"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Gheorghe-Bogdan Șopţ, "Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) applied to automotive", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Mircea-Pavel Cociuba, "Measuring the amplitude and phase of an analog signal using a digital signal processor" (in Romanian: "Masurarea amplitudinii si fazei unui semnal analogic utilizand un procesor de semnal"), M.Sc. thesis in Informatics Systems Applied to Manufacturing and Services. Lucian-Alin Muntean, "Implementation of a Reinforcement Learning application" (in Romanian: "Implementarea unei aplicatii de Reinforcement Learning"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Angel-Daniel Leucuş, "Matlab implementation of applications concerning evolving fuzzy models" (in Romanian: "Implementarea in Matlab a unor aplicatii privind modele fuzzy evolutive"), B.Sc. thesis in Automation and Applied Informatics (AAI), co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Dragoş. Ioana Dragomir, "Tuning of controllers for an aerodynamic system using Iterative Feedback Tuning" (in Romanian: "Acordarea regulatoarelor pentru un sistem aerodinamic folosind Iterative Feedback Tuning"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Vasile Rodilă, "Fuzzy controllers for a multi-tank laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Regulatoare fuzzy pentru un echipament de laborator de tip sistem multirezervor"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Alina-Cristina Antonie, "Automatic control of an aerodynamic system using Iterative Learning Control" (in Romanian: "Reglarea automata a unui sistem aerodinamic folosind Iterative Learning Control"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Carina Seridiuc, "Data control and receiver system for "surround view" cameras in the automotive industry" (in Romanian: "Sistem de control si receptie a datelor pentru camerele "surround view" in industria auto"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Dragoş. Marius-Csaba Sabău, "Implementation of a Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm in the fuzzy modeling of a laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Implementarea unui algoritm Particle Swarm Optimization in modelarea fuzzy a unui echipament de laborator"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Dragoş. Simona Sgaverdea, "Type-2 fuzzy sets. Matlab applications" (in Romanian: "Multimi fuzzy de tip 2. Aplicatii in Matlab"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Dragoş.
2012: Mădălin Adam, "Biologically inspired optimization algorithm for fuzzy modeling of a modular servo-system laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Algoritm de optimizare de inspiratie biologica in modelarea fuzzy a unui echipament de laborator de tip servosistem modular"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Ilie-Alin Lita, "An airplane-helicopter hybrid UAV control system", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Raul-Gherasim Bulzan, "Fuzzy modeling of a magnetic levitation laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Modelarea fuzzy a unui echipament de laborator cu levitatie magnetica"), co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Dragoş. George-Gabriel Chilom, "Multiagent automotive and transportation applications using NetLogo", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Cosmin Ciurlă, "Vehicle locating system using GPS and SMS", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Deian Cosaş, "Load port remote control unit", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Ioan-Ciprian Drăghiţă, "Implementation and testing of OBD services for Diagnostic Communication Manager - AUTOSAR", M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Florin-Cristian Enache, "Implementation and testing of UDS services for Diagnostic Communication Manager - AUTOSAR", M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Horaţiu-Ioan Filip, "Evolving fuzzy models for a laboratory pendulum-cart system" (in Romanian: "Modele fuzzy evolutive pentru un echipament de laborator de tip sistem pendul-carucior"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Ramona-Bianca Grad, "Biologically inspired optimization algorithm for fuzzy modeling of an Anti-lock Braking System laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Algoritm de optimizare de inspiratie biologica in modelarea fuzzy a unui echipament de laborator de tip Anti-lock Braking System"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Paul-Andrei Ianc, "File system for SD card data storage" (in Romanian: "Sistem de fisiere pentru stocare de date pe SD card"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Andrei Kiss, "Wireless automotive communication", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Ionuţ-Iulian Movilă, "Mobile receipt scanner", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Diana Pîrlea, "UDS based off-board diagnostic subsystem for an instrument cluster", M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Claudia Daniela Pop, "Automatic generation of unitary test cases for mathematical expressions", M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Ion Sanda, "Speed controller for commercial vehicles" (in Romanian: "Regulator de viteza pentru vehicule comerciale"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Sandor-Laszlo Csiszar, "Automated testing of the high speed CAN protocol using Labview", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Răzvan-Alexandru Achimescu, "Controller tuning solution using model-free control techniques. Applications to a modular servo-system laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Solutie de acordare a regulatoarelor utilizand tehnici de tip model-free control. Aplicatii pe un echipament de laborator de tip servosistem modular"), B.Sc. thesis in Automation and Applied Informatics (AAI), co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Marinela-Nicoleta Faur, "Control solutions with state feedback and PID controllers applied to a magnetic levitation laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Solutii de reglare automata cu regulatoare dupa stare si regulatoare PID aplicate pe un echipament de laborator cu levitatie magnetica"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Dragoş. Oana-Corina Ghergan, "Applications based on type-2 fuzzy sets" (in Romanian: "Aplicatii bazate pe multimi fuzzy de tip 2"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Dragoş. Norbert-Paul Hanzal, "Mobile robot position control application" (in Romanian: "Aplicatie de reglare a pozitiei unui robot mobil"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Assist. Lect. Dipl.-Ing. Emil Voişan. Adrian-Călin Muntean, "Control algorithms for mobile robot trajectory tracking" (in Romanian: "Algoritmi de reglare pentru urmarirea traiectoriei robotilor mobili"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI. Raul-Cristian Roman, "IFT-based control structures. Applications to a twin rotor aero-dynamical system laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Structuri de reglare bazate pe Iterative Feedback Tuning. Aplicatii pe un echipament de laborator de tip sistem aerodinamic cu doua rotoare"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac.
2011: Laura-Teodora Dioanca, "Tensor product-based control techniques applied to the level control of the three-tank system" (in Romanian: "Tehnici de reglare bazate pe produs tensorial aplicate la reglarea nivelului sistemului cu trei rezervoare"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Emanuela-Alina Dragoş, "Applications of fuzzy automata to mobile robot control" (in Romanian: "Aplicatii ale automatelor fuzzy in conducerea robotilor mobili"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Marian Creţiu, "Control algorithms for a magnetic levitation laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Algoritmi de reglare pentru un echipament de laborator cu levitatie magnetica"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Pavel Borchescu, "Automatic testing of the pre-tensioning system" (in Romanian: "Testarea automata a sistemului de pretensionare"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Cosmin Borchescu, "Testing of data trouble codes in the airbag system" (in Romanian: "Testarea data trouble codes in sistemul de airbag"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Paul Caragea, "Application for embedded C code generation using a multi-agent system" (in Romanian: "Aplicatie pentru generarea de cod embedded C folosind un sistem multi-agent"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Sergiu-Ovidiu Gheju, "Filter models used in the automotive industry" (in Romanian: "Modele de filtre utilizate in industria automotive"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Amadis-Aurelian Moţ, "Facial expression recognition applications" (in Romanian: "Aplicatii de recunoastere a expresiilor faciale"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems Engineering. Paul-Radu Arjocu, "Traffic sign detection and recognition", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Călin Dinel Ghiaţă, "LIN flashing application for an intelligent battery sensor", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Ovidiu-Cristian Crişan, "Smartphone-based access to body control unit and tire pressure monitoring system", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Adelin-Cristian Ardelean, "Continuous integration and continuous testing in automotive embedded software", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Sorina Mocanu, "Software development of a module for testing SPI sensors used for crash simulation in vehicles", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Nicolae Chedea, "CAN software interfaces", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Elis Mariescu, "Feature extraction from PPM", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. George-Adrian Sas, "GDUM - A generic solution for data upload-download in compliance with off-board diagnostics standards KWP2000 and UDS", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Alexandru-Vlad Dungă, "Automated testing of the diagnostic services in automotive applications using the KWP 2000 protocol", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Cristina Bodi, "Improvements brough to flasher systems in automotive", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Christian-Gabriel Glück, "Microcontroller based data acquisition and control system", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Alin Bănuţi, "Implementation of cluster validation applications" (in Romanian: "Implementarea unor aplicatii de validare a clusterelor"), M.Sc. thesis in Informatics Systems Applied to Manufacturing and Services. Adrian Vasile Cimponeriu and Adrian Tonică Băban, "ARM Cortex-M3-based design, construction and control of a three-link robotic arm" (in Romanian: "Proiectarea, constructia si controlul unui brat robotic cu trei segmente cu ajutorul platformei ARM Cortex-M3"), M.Sc. theses in Informatics Systems Applied to Manufacturing and Services. Bogdan-Alexandru Bigher, "Iterative Feedback Tuning-based control structures. Applications to a multi-tank system laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Structuri de reglare bazate pe Iterative Feedback Tuning. Aplicatii pe un echipament de laborator de tip sistem multirezervor"), B.Sc. thesis in Automation and Applied Informatics (AAI), co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Bogdan-Stefan Cerveneak, "Correlation-based tuning solution. Applications to a modular servo-system laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Solutie de acordare a regulatoarelor utilizand tehnici de corelatie. Aplicatii pe un echipament de laborator de tip servosistem modular"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Adrian Corneliu Chicin, "Cluster validation indices. Matlab applications" (in Romanian: "Indicatori de validare a clusterelor. Aplicatii in Matlab"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI. Lucian Alin Muntean, "Implementation of a Reinforcement Learning Application" (in Romanian: "Implementarea unei aplicatii de Reinforcement Learning"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI. Alexandru Ionel Simonescu, "Trajectory tracking algorithms for mobile robots" (in Romanian: "Algoritmi de urmarire a traiectoriei robotilor mobili"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, Roxana Gheorghe, "Erbium-dopped optical fiber amplifier applications" (in Romanian: "Aplicatii cu amplificatoare optice cu fibra dopata cu Erbiu"), diploma thesis in AAI.
2010: Lucia-Roxana Golea, "Modeling for the simulation and control of the primary system of ELSY lead cooled fast reactor", M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems. Iulian Benea, "Quality driven by artificial intelligence", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Ioana Lupea, "Gear shifting strategy for a double clutch transmission", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Emanuel Jianu, "Graphical solutions for intelligent optical sensors" (in Romanian: "Solutii grafice pentru senzori optici inteligenti", M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems. Cristian Laiu, "Automotive head lamp using power LEDs: A prototype design", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Bogdan-Adrian Marcu, "Vehicle position and speed estimation system" (in Romanian: "Sistem de estimare a pozitiei si vitezei autovehiculelor"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems. Alina Loredana Trocan, "Controller tuning solutions using correlation techniques" (in Romanian: "Solutii de acordare a regulatoarelor utilizand tehnici de corelatie"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems. Sándor Biró, "Reinforcement Learning algorithms. Applications" (in Romanian: "Algoritmi de tip Reinforcement Learning. Aplicatii", diploma thesis in Computer Engineering, co-supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Doru Todinca (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, "Politehnica" University of Timisoara, Romania). Ramona-Bianca Grad: "Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning techniques. Applications to a modular servo-system laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Tehnici de tip Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning. Aplicatii pe un echipament de laborator de tip servosistem modular"), B.Sc. thesis in Automation and Applied Informatics (AAI), co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Radu Toma, "Speed control solutions for an electrical drive laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Solutii de reglare a turatiei unei actionari electrice"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI. Paul Andrei Ianc, "Fuzzy control solutions based on linear matrix inequalities. Applications to a modular servo-system laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Solutii de reglare fuzzy bazate pe inegalitati matriceale liniare. Aplicatii pe un echipament de laborator de tip servosistem modular"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI. Horaţiu-Ioan Filip, "Iterative Feedback Tuning-based control solutions. Applications to a laboratory pendulum-cart system" (in Romanian: "Structuri de reglare bazate pe Iterative Feedback Tuning. Aplicatii pe un echipament de laborator de tip sistem pendul-carucior"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Florin-Cristian Enache, "Iterative Learning Control-based control solutions. Applications to a 3D crane laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Structuri de reglare bazate pe Iterative Learning Control. Aplicatii pe un echipament de laborator de tip macara 3D"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Alin Moise Ienea, "Control solutions for a multi-tank system laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Solutii de reglare pentru un echipament de laborator de tip sistem multirezervor"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac.
2009: Adina Panu, "Applications of modeling business processes with Petri nets", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Adrian Moţ, "Wireless in automotive with IrDA technology: Electric window door", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Cristian Mircea Goţiu, "Advanced diagnostics techniques in automotive embedded systems", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Daniel Opris, "Diagnosis tool for the truck tireguard system", M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems. Ion Lupu, "Software for recursive and iterative generation of self-similar curves" (in Romanian: "Software de generare a unor curbe autosimilare in mod recursiv si iterativ"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems. Liana Luminiţa Raica, "Multi-agent-based nonlinear systems modelling" (in Romanian: "Modelarea unor sisteme neliniare intr-un mediu de dezvoltare a sistemelor multi-agent"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems. Patricia Diana Gudiu (Stupar), "Autocoding techniques for motor control in automotive applications", M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems. Răzvan Trif, "Text-to-speech systems", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Simina Bonea, "Bizonal climate simulation", M.Sc. thesis in Automotive Embedded Software. Alin-Andrei Baştea, "Control solutions for a servo-system" (in Romanian: "Solutii de reglare pentru un servosistem"), diploma thesis in Automation and Applied Informatics (AAI). Bianca Marcu, "Road model and simulation visualization solution for automotive applications", diploma thesis in AAI. Cătălin Daniel Danciu, "Identification and control problems for nonlinear systems using fuzzy Hammerstein models" (in Romanian: "Probleme de identificare si reglare a unor sisteme neliniare folosind modele fuzzy Hammerstein"), diploma thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Stefan Preitl. Cătălin Gavriluţă, "Iterative Learning Control techniques. Applications to inverted pendulum system control" (in Romanian: "Tehnici de tip Iterative Learning Control. Aplicatii in reglarea sistemului pendul invers"), diploma thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Florin Mugurel Costa, "Hysteresis two-position temperature controller" (in Romanian: "Regulator numeric de temperatura bipozitional cu histerezis"), diploma thesis in AAI. Daniela Bărbulescu, "Control solutions for a 3D crane" (in Romanian: "Solutii de reglare pentru o macara 3D"), diploma thesis in AAI. Felician Blaga, "Automatic testing tool for electronic control units"(in Romanian: "Tool automat de testare pentru unitatile electronice de control"), diploma thesis in AAI. Ioan Moşincat, "Iterative Feedback Tuning techniques. Applications to three-tank system control" (in Romanian: "Tehnici de tip Iterative Feedback Tuning. Aplicatii in reglarea sistemului cu trei rezervoare"), diploma thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Marian-Constantin Bîrzava, "MIMO control solutions for a twin rotor aero-dynamical system" (in Romanian: "Solutii de reglare multivariabila pentru un sistem aerodinamic cu doua rotoare"), diploma thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Octavian Francisc Lupu, "Driver model and simulation visualization solution for automotive applications", diploma thesis in AAI. Olimpiu Liviu Drăgan, "Control algorithms for a category of mobile robots" (in Romanian: "Algoritmi de reglare destinati unei categorii de roboti mobili"), diploma thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Stefan Preitl. Ramona Cristina Şorhenţ, "Development of a Matlab toolbox for econometric functions modelling" (in Romanian: "Dezvoltarea unui toolbox de modelare in Matlab a unor functii econometrice"), diploma thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Preitl. Sergiu Viorel Spătaru, "Control techniques based on linear matrix inequalities. Applications to a laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Tehnici de reglare bazate pe inegalitati matriciale liniare. Aplicatii pe un echipament de laborator"), diploma thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Laura-Teodora Dioanca, "Tensor product-based control techniques. Applications to a laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Tehnici de reglare bazate pe produs tensorial. Aplicatii pe un echipament de laborator"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Pavel Borchescu: "Model-based fuzzy control techniques. Applications to a laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Tehnici de reglare fuzzy bazate pe model. Aplicatii pe un echipament de laborator"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Mircea-Bogdan Rădac. Marian Creţiu, "Control solutions for a magnetic levitation system" (in Romanian: "Solutii de reglare pentru un sistem cu levitatie magnetica"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Lect. Dr.-Ing. Claudia-Adina Dragoş. Cosmin Borchescu, "Iterative Regression Tuning techniques. Applications to a laboratory equipment" (in Romanian: "Tehnici de tip Iterative Regression Tuning. Aplicatii pe un echipament de laborator"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI. Constantin Silviu Dragu, "Control solutions for a laboratory three-tank system" (in Romanian: "Solutii de reglare pentru un sistem cu trei rezervoare"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI. Ciprian Ionel Panţoni, "SISO control solutions for a twin rotor aero-dynamical system" (in Romanian: "Solutii de reglare monovariabila pentru un sistem aerodinamic cu doua rotoare"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI. Călin Petru Daminescu, "Control solutions for the pendulum-cart system" (in Romanian: "Solutii de reglare pentru sistemul pendul-carucior"), B.Sc. thesis in AAI.
2008: Corina Ardelean (Blaj), "Research and development testbench for vehicle air conditioning systems", M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems. Alina Loredana Trocan, "Development and implementation of controllers for a temperature and air stream control system" (in Romanian: "Dezvoltarea si implementarea unor regulatoare pentru un sistem de reglare automata a temperaturii si debitului de aer"), diploma thesis in Automation and Applied Informatics (AAI). Mircea-Bogdan Rădac, "ABS longitudinal wheel slip control solutions. Laboratory implementations" (in Romanian: "Solutii de reglare a alunecarii longitudinale a rotii in cadrul ABS. Implementari pe un echipament de laborator"), diploma thesis in AAI. Cătălin-Victor Vînt, "Control solutions for networked control systems" (in Romanian: "Solutii de reglare pentru sisteme de conducere in retea"), diploma thesis in AAI. Cella-Flavia Văcărescu, "Iterative Learning Control-based control solutions. Applications to control problems of the inverted pendulum system" (in Romanian: "Tehnici de tip Iterative Learning Control. Aplicatii in probleme de reglare a sistemului pendul invers"), diploma thesis in AAI. Ioana Zeni Faur, "Control solutions for an electrical driving system" (in Romanian: "Solutii de reglare pentru un sistem de actionare electrica"), diploma thesis in AAI. Lavinia Hrecin, "Development of linear and fuzzy controllers for speed control of an electrical drive" (in Romanian: "Dezvoltarea unor regulatoare liniare si fuzzy pentru reglarea turatiei unei actionari electrice"), diploma thesis in AAI. Monica-Hristina Traicu, "Development and implementation of controllers for a three-tank system" (in Romanian: "Dezvoltarea si implementarea unor regulatoare pentru un sistem cu trei rezervoare"), diploma thesis in AAI. Alin Lucian Stefan, "Implementation of an intelligent resource management system for a building" (in Romanian: "Implementarea unui sistem de administrare inteligenta a resurelor unei cladiri"), diploma thesis in AAI.
2007: Lucia-Roxana Golea, "Locally-recurrent neural networks for nonlinear dynamic modeling", diploma thesis in Automation and Applied Informatics (AAI), co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Enrico Zio (Department of Nuclear Engineering, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy, now with the Chair on Systems Sciences and Energetic Challenges, Ecole Centrale Paris and Supelec, France). Mircea-Florian Lupu, "Modeling of human walking for rehabilitation purposes", diploma thesis in AAI, co-supervisors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Gräser and Dr.-Ing. Danijela Ristić-Durrant (Institute of Automation, University of Bremen, Germany). Sorin Lupşa, "Fuzzy control solutions for the three-tank system" (in Romanian: "Solutii de conducere fuzzy pentru sistemul cu trei rezervoare"), diploma thesis in AAI. Adrian Ionel Iacob, "Iterative Feedback Tuning techniques. Applications to inverted pendulum system control" (in Romanian: "Tehnici de tip Iterative Feedback Tuning. Aplicatii in reglarea sistemului pendul invers"), diploma thesis in AAI. Andreea Otilia Balogh, "Control system for a Coanda application" (in Romanian: "Sistem de reglare pentru o aplicatie Coanda"), diploma thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Dipl-Ing. Simona Vaivoda.
2006: Daniel Stefan Barbu, "Control problems of a class of mobile robots" (in Romanian: "Probleme de conducere asociate unei clase de roboti mobili"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems. Gelu Laurentiu Ioanăş, "Neural network-based modelling and adaptive control solutions applied to internal combustion motors" (in Romanian: "Solutii de modelare si reglare adaptiva aplicate motoarelor cu combustie interna folosind retele neurale"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems. Călin Aurelian Micu, "The ANFIS technique. Implementation. Applications" (in Romanian: "Tehnica ANFIS. Implementare. Aplicatii"), diploma thesis in Automation and Applied Informatics (AAI). Cristian Mircea Vasii, "Fuzzy predictive control solutions. Matlab-Simulink implemented applications" (in Romanian: "Solutii de conducere fuzzy predictiva. Aplicatii implementate in Matlab-Simulink"), diploma thesis in AAI. Oana Maria Mihuţi, "Process control solutions based on neural networks" (in Romanian: "Solutii de conducere a proceselor bazate pe retele neurale"), diploma thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Simona Gheju (Vaivoda). Ciprian Gheorghe Schneider, "Scilab applications" (in Romanian: "Aplicatii in Scilab"), diploma thesis in AAI, co-supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Simona Gheju (Vaivoda).
2005: Ioana-Anamaria Buna, "Process fuzzy modelling and identification software" (in Romanian: "Software dedicat modelarii si identificarii fuzzy a unor procese"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems. Cristian Blaj, "Applications of predictive control solutions" (in Romanian: "Solutii de reglare automata cu predictie. Aplicatii"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems. Florin Spânu, "Software dedicated to the stability analysis of a class of fuzzy control systems" (in Romanian: "Software dedicat analizei stabilitatii unei clase de sisteme de reglare fuzzy"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems. Corina Ardelean, "Iterative Feedback Tuning technique applications to PID controllers" (in Romanian: "Aplicatii ale tehnicii Iterative Feedback Tuning in proiectarea regulatoarelor de tip PID"), diploma thesis in Automation and Applied Informatics (AAI), co-supervisors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Gräser and Dr.-Ing. Miroslav Mihajlov (Institute of Automation, University of Bremen, Germany). Laura Roxana Chetreanu, "Fuzzy control solutions for the inverted pendulum system" (in Romanian: "Solutii de conducere fuzzy pentru sistemul pendul invers"), diploma thesis in AII.
2004: Marian Stan, "ABS control solutions" (in Romanian: "Solutii de conducere a ABS"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems. Bogdan Solga, "Software for the sensitivity analysis of fuzzy control systems" (in Romanian: "Software pentru analiza sensibilitatii sistemelor de reglare automata cu regulatoare fuzzy"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems. Csongor Szabó, "Control of nonholonomic vehicles, mobile manipulators", diploma thesis in Automation and Industrial Informatics (AII), co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. habil. Péter Korondi (Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Mechanical Engineering Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary). Alexandru-Bogdan Năsălean, "Fuzzy control solutions for the three-tank system" (in Romanian: "Solutii de conducere pentru sistemul cu trei rezervoare"), diploma thesis in AII. Cristian Blaj, "Predictive control systems. Applications" (in Romanian: "Sisteme de reglare automata cu predictie. Aplicatii"), diploma thesis in AII. Călin Oltean, "Scilab toolbox dedicated to the developemtn of fuzzy control systems" (in Romanian: "Pachet de programe Scilab destinat dezvoltarii sistemelor de reglare fuzzy"), diploma thesis in AII. Ioana-Anamaria Buna, "Process fuzzy modelling and identification problems" (in Romanian: "Probleme de modelare si identificare fuzzy a unor procese"), diploma thesis in AII. Ion Păun, "Optimal control solutions for the inverted pendulum system" (in Romanian: "Solutii de reglare optimala pentru sistemul pendul invers"), diploma thesis in AII. Radu Balintoni, "Fuzzy control solutions for a variable load electrical driving system" (in Romanian: "Solutii de conducere fuzzy pentru un sistem de actionare electrica avand sarcina variabila"), diploma thesis in AII. Florin Spânu, "Sliding mode temperature control solutions" (in Romanian: "Solutii de reglare sliding mode a temperaturii unui proces termic"), diploma thesis in AII.
2003: Zsuzsa Preitl, "Algebraic controller design methods. Analysis and Matlab-Simulink programs" (in Romanian: "Metode algebrice de proiectare a regulatoarelor. Analiza si programe Matlab-Simulink"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems. Ion-Bogdan Ursache, "Temperature process control solutions" (in Romanian: "Solutii de reglare a temperaturii unui proces termic"), diploma thesis in Automation and Industrial Informatics (AII). Florian Radu Fărcaş, "Control solutions for a variable load electrical driving system" (in Romanian: "Solutii de conducere pentru un sistem de actionare electrica avand sarcina variabila"), diploma thesis in AII.
2002: Gabriel Faur, "Program dedicated to the stability analysis of fuzzy control systems" (in Romanian: "Program pentru analiza sistemelor de reglare automate cu regulatoare fuzzy"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems. Zsuzsa Preitl, "Control algorithms based on the delta model of the plant", diploma thesis in Automation and Industrial Informatics (AII), co-supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruth Bars (Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary) and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Haber (Department of Plant and Process Engineering, University of Applied Science Cologne, Köln, Germany). Dragan Tosity, "VisSim set of programs for fuzzy controller development" (in Romanian: "Pachet de programe de dezvoltare a regulatoarelor fuzzy in cadrul mediului VisSim"), diploma thesis in AII. Onuţ-Petru Drăgulete, "Development of vehicle cable testing programs" (in Romanian: "Dezvoltarea unor programme de testare a cablajelor automobilelor"), diploma thesis in AII. Claudiu Lungu: "Fuzzy control solutions for a three-tank system equipment" (in Romanian: "Solutii de conducere fuzzy pentru un echipament de tip sistem cu trei rezervoare"), diploma thesis in AII, co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács (now with the John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics, Obuda University, Budapest, Hungary). Adriana-Lidia Haţegan, "Scilab program package dedicated to the development of fuzzy controllers" (in Romanian: "Pachet de programe de dezvoltare a regulatoarelor fuzzy in cadrul mediului Scilab"), diploma thesis in AII. Valeriu-Cosmin Lolea, "Virtual laboratory with direct Internet connection and control of the inverted pendulum system" (in Romanian: "Laborator virtual cu conectare directa la Internet si conducerea sistemului pendul invers"), diploma thesis in AII. Lucian Nicoliţă Cornean, "Linear-quadratic regulators dedicated to inverted pendulum system control" (in Romanian: "Regulatoare liniar-patratice destinate conducerii sistemului pendul invers"), diploma thesis in AII.
2001: Corina-Anca Lamoş, "Development of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy controllers" (in Romanian: "Dezvoltarea unor regulatoare fuzzy de tip Takagi-Sugeno"), M.Sc. thesis in Automatic Systems. Gabriel Faur, "Computer-assisted stability analysis of a class of fuzzy control systems" (in Romanian: "Analiza asistata de calculator a stabilitatii unei clase de sisteme de reglare fuzzy"), diploma thesis in Automation and Industrial Informatics (AII). Peter Baracsi, "Study concerning the fuzzy control system development software" (in Romanian: "Studiul unor medii de dezvoltare a sistemelor de conducere fuzzy"), diploma thesis in AII. Alin Nicula: "Optimal control solutions dedicated to the inverted pendulum system" (in Romanian: "Solutii de conducere optimala pentru sistemul pendul invers"), diploma thesis in AII. Vasile Potinteu: "Fuzzy control solutions dedicated to the inverted pendulum system" (in Romanian: "Solutii de conducere fuzzy pentru sistemul pendul invers"), diploma thesis in AII. Cosmin Cornea, "Temperature control applications using a microcontroller-based system" (in Romanian: "Aplicatii de conducere a unor procese termice cu un sistem cu microcontroller"), diploma thesis in AII, co-supervisors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Preitl and Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács (now with the John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics, Obuda University, Budapest, Hungary).
1991-2000: More than 20 students with succesfully defended diploma and M.Sc. theses.