Name: |
Stefan PREITL |
Born on: |
21.10.1943 in Timisoara |
Civil status: |
Married with Maria Preitl (economist), One child Zsuzsa Preitl (Eng., PhD) |
Official Address: |
Politehnica University Timisoara Faculty for Automation and Computers 300223-Timisoara, Bd. V. Parvan no. 2 Romania |
Phone: |
+40-256-40-3224 |
Fax: |
+40-256-40-3214 (only for official correspondence) |
E-mail: |
1957-1961: Baccalaureate in Mathematics-Physics, High School no. 5, Vincentiu Babes High-School, Timisoara, Romania.
1961-1966: Dipl.-Eng. Degree, graduated with honors The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Timisoara, Romania, area of specialization "Power Systems" with final grade after five years of study of 9.87 (max 10.o) and diploma grade of 10 on the 1 - 10 scale; the diploma work was performed with Prof. Adam Semlyen (now Professor Emeritus at University of Toronto, Canada) and Prof. Ovidiu Crisan (now Professor at University of Huston, Texas, U.S.A.).
1975-1982: Ph.D. studies at Traian Vuia Polytechnic Institute of Timisoara, Romania, Faculty of Automation and Computers (supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Eng. Eugen Pop; thesis in field of Measurement Techniques (process identification and control) with application in control of Hydro-generators; title of my thesys Contributions to the study of influence of disturbances of measurements on the estimation of statistical functions with application to process identification.
1991-1992: Complementary studies in "Management of supervisory activities in the conditions of market economy" (specialization in University Management), organized in Germany, the Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, Senior Experts Service Bonn & R.W.T.H. Aachen (Prof. Hans-Peter Moeller)
Activities at Politehnica University Timisoara since 1972
Professor at Politehnica University Timisoara, Faculty of Automation and Computer Science, Department of Automation and Applied Informatics (since 1992); PhD Supervisor in field of System Engineering (Control Engineering), "Automation", (since 1991), member of the Politehnica University Council for PhD Studies (CSUD) (from 2013 -).
Scientific Coordinator at the Faculty of Automation and Computer Science (1981-1989, 1990-1992, 1996-2008)
Former Member of the University Senate of Politehnica University Timisoara (1980-1984, 1990-2008)
Honorary Professor of "Obuda" University Budapest, Hungary; Member of the Doctoral School (PhD) in Applied Informatics with the Obuda University (previously named Budapest Tech Polytechnic Institution)
Professional activity
1967-1972: "Electromotor" Enterprise, Timisoara, as engineer involved in industrial energetic and automation
since 1972: Politehnica University Timisoara (former Institutul Politehnic Traian Vuia, Universitatea „Politehnica”) as Full Professor
Director of Research Centre in Control and Computers at Politehnica University of Timisoara (between 2001- 2010)
Now Member of Automatic Systems Engineering Research Centre (Starting in 2011 at Politehnica University of Timisoara)
Academic activity:
Lectures and laboratory activity at the courses (selection): System theory and automatic control, Control Engineering, Control Structures and Algorithms, Introduction in Automation, Advanced Control Systems, Control in Power Systems: - speed and voltage control of synchronous generators, Modern Control Strategies, Introduction in Mechatronic Systems, Methodics of teaching a.o..
Didactic materials published in field: more then 30 books and university courses (as author/co-author), 10 laboratory manuals and problem collections (author/co-author).
Coordinator of International Programs
TEMPUS Programs (1996-2000), CEEPUS - Programs (2001-2003)
SOCRATES and ERASMUS, ERASMUS+, ERASMUS-L and Programs supervisor, (2001- present)
Director for Research Grant and Didactic Laboratory Endowment, co-financed by the World Bank (1997-2000)
Scientific publications and research activities (see also the lists)
19 books in field of Automation, Control Engineering, Fuzzy Control, Methodic of teaching in "Editura Tehnica" (Bucharest), Editura Academiei (Bucharest), Editura "Orizonturi Universitare" (Timisoara), Editura "Politehnica" (Timisoara)
17 contributions Chapters in Books: Springer Verlag, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Ed. Academiei Romane a.o.
More than 15 University lecture notes (in the period of 1978-1998)
More than 350 published papers (1972 - present), from which:
· more than 125 in periodicals,
· more then 210 at scientific events organized abroad (IFAC-Congresses and Conferences, IFSA, IEEE-conferences and symposiums, IMP&S, EUFIT, ECC, HYDRO-TURBO, ETRAN, PEMC-, CONTROLO-, PID-00 a.o., in Brazil, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Slovakia, U.K., U.S.A., Yugoslavia (Republic of Serbia) and Romania.
Cumulative Science Citation Index (SCI) impact factor (IF): about 30 (the IF of leader journals in the field is around 2)
Research grants. Researcher and main developer in more than 55 grants in the field of Control; For more then 20 research grants research director; Director for 4 International Research Grants.
Editorial Activity and Conference organizer (main)
Associate Editor in Chief and Member in Editorial board of Buletinul Stiintific al U.P.T. Seria Automatica si Calculatoare (Transactions on Automation and Computers), ISSN 1224-600X
Member in Editorial Board of "Acta Polytechnica Hungarica", Journal of Applied Science at Obuda University Budapest, Hungary, ISSN 1785-8860
Member in Editorial Board of Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii Tehnice Gheorghe Asachi Iasi, Romania (AUTOMATIC CONTROL and COMPUTER SCIENCE Section, ISSN 1220 - 2169
Guest Editor
· Computers in Industry (Elsevier Science) 52, (2004) (St. Preitl (Romania) and L. Foulloy (France)),
· Studies in Informatics and Control (Edited by National Institute for R&D in Informatics, ICI Bucharest), Vol 15, Nb. 3 (2005) (I.J. Rudas (Hungary) and St. Preitl (Romania)
· "Acta Polytechnica Hungarica", Journal of Applied Science.
Organizer of Conferences and Symposiums.
International Conference in Technical Informatics, CONTI - (1994-2008, all editions),
Promoter with Prof. I.J. Rudas (Hungary) and organizer of International Conference in Applied Computational Intelligence (SACI- from 2004) , SACI-2004 - SACI-2015 (now IEEE Symposium in field), organized in cooperation Politehnica University Timisoara, Romania and Obuda University Budapest, Hungary,
Member in Conference Program Committees: More than 30 international conferences and symposiums
Reviewer During the years, for some international journals, conferences and symposiums (IFAC, IEEE a.o.) in field of Control Engineering, Fuzzy Control and Computational Intelligence
Member of scientific societies
Former Vice-president of the Romanian Society of Automation and Technical Informatics (SRAIT, Bucuresti) (1996-2008)
Member in IFAC Committee for Control System Design (IFAC TC-2.1 Control Design (since 2002-)
Honorary Member of the Hungarian Fuzzy Association, (HFA)
Senior IEEE-member (since 2007), awarded with Cerficate of Achievement from the IEEE Romania Section notable services and contributions towards the advancement of the engineering professions (2011)
Member of Kolozsvari Akademiai Bizottsag (KAB) of Hungarian Academy of Science (MTA)
International cooperation and relations
A. International grants and projects.
· Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE/BME), Hungary, Cooperation in field of Control:
o 2003-2005, Director Research Grant co-director of the Hungarian partner Acad. Istvan Nagy, Budapest University of Technology and Economics Nonlinear systems and control in the field of power electronics (in frame of the Agreement of the Second Romanian-Hungarian Session of Scientific and Technologic Co-operation);
o 2003-2005 Cooperation in field of Control Engineering (Prof. Ruth Bars, Prof. Zoltan Benyo)
· Obuda University Budapest, Hungary and Politehnica University of Timisoara:
o 2006-2007: Director Research Grant Analysis and Development of Intelligent Systems (in frame of the Agreement of the Third Romanian-Hungarian Session of Scientific and Technologic Co-operation),
o 2008-2009: Director Research Grant Integration of Iterative Learning Control (ILC) and Fuzzy methods in intelligent control systems (in frame of the Agreement of the fourth Romanian-Hungarian Session of Scientific and Technologic Co-operation)
o 2008-2009: principal investigator, research Grant New results in development and applications of fuzzy control systems, (International research contract in frame of bilateral project Slovenia-Romania, CNMP)
B. International cooperation. Cooperation in Tempus, Socrates, Erasmus and CEEPUS programs (Leader or main Partner)
· Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria (Prof. Peter Kopacek)
· Technische Universitaet "Gerhard Mercator", Duisburg, Germany (Prof. Paul M. Frank †)
· University of Gent, Belgium, (Prof. Robin De Keyser)
· University of Bremen, Germany (Prof. Boris Lohmann (now at T.U. Munchen), Prof. Axel Graeser)
· "Obuda" University Budapest, Hungary (Prof. Imre Rudas, Prof. Janos Fodor, Prof. Laszlo Horvath, Prof. Jozsef Tar, Prof. Levente Kovacs a.o.)
· Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE/BME), Hungary (Prof. Jozsef Bokor, Member of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Prof. Istvan Vajk, Prof. Ruth Bars, Prof. Zoltan Benyo, Assoc. Prof. Peter Korondi, Assoc Prof. Akos Bereczky a.o.)
· Technical University of Miskolc, Hungary (Prof. Janos Czekel, Prof. Tihamer Adam, Prof. Szilveszter Kovacs)
· Technical University of Bratislava, Slovakia (Prof. Gabriel Hulko)
· University of Applied Sciences Wildau, Germany (Prof.Dr. Laszlo Ungvari)
· University of Nis, R. of Serbia (Prof. Milosavljevic, Prof. D. Antic)
· Technical University of Belgrade, R. of Serbia (Prof. Zoran Bucevac)
· Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" Iasi, Romania, (Prof. Mihail Voicu)
· Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania, (Prof. Ioan Dumitrache, Prof. Sergiu Iliescu a.o.)
· University of Craiova, Romania, (Prof. Vladimir Rasvan, Prof. Constantin Marin a.o.)
· University of Debrecen, Hungary (Prof. D.L. Beke, Prof. Sandor Kokenyesi)
· Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania (Prof. Mihail Abrudean, Prof. Clement Festila, Prof. Gheorghe Lazea a.o.)
· "Sapientia" University, Cluj-Napoca / Targu Mures, Romania (Prof. Laszlo David),
· “Széchenyi István” University of Győr
C. Short and Long Term Academic Visits Abroad (Research and Teaching):
· T.U. Magdeburg (1978)
· R.W.T.H. Aachen, Germany (February-march 1992) Complementary studies in "Management of supervisory activities in the conditions of market economy" (Prof. Hans Peter Moeller)
· Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria, Institute for Handling Devices and Robotics (2 week periods in 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000), (Prof. Peter Kopacek)
· University of Bremen, Germany (2 week periods in 2004, 2005, 2008)
· Budapest Tech Polytechnical Institution, John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics, Hungary (2 week periods 2004 - now) (research and/or teaching).
· Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary, Department of Automation and Applied Informatics (one - two week visits in the period of 1999 - 2008).
Current Academic activity
· Control Structures and Algorithms (bachelor level for students in Automation and Applied Informatics)
· Introduction in Control Engineering (bachelor level for students in Automation and Applied Informatics),
· Control Engineering. Theory and Applications (bachelor level, for students in electrical engineering),
· Introduction in Control engineering (bachelor level, for students in power engineering)
Research and Development fields
· Structures and algorithms for automatic control (conventional control, modern control, Fuzzy control, Sliding-Mode control and other)
· Control applications in electrical engineering and power systems (automated electrical drives, speed and voltage control of hydro-generators, heating kilns, transportation vehicles, climate control a.o.),
· Control system applications in mechatronics (servo-systems)
· Methodic of teaching the computer assisted education
Scientific publications
A. Books and university courses (main publications)
1. St. Preitl: Sistem Theory and Control Engineering. Part I.: System Theory I (in Romanian: Teoria sistemelor si reglaj automat. Partea I. Teoria sistemelor I) Technical University of Timisoara Publ., 1992
2. St. Preitl,A. Fogarasi, R.-E. Precup: Sistem Theory and Control Engineering. Applications and Solutions (in Romanian Teoria sistemelor si reglaj automat. Ingineria reglarii automate. Probleme rezolvate si commentate), vol. I , II, Technical University of Timisoara Publ., 1993
3. St. Preitl, R.E. Precup, A. Porumb: Introduction in Automatic Control (in Romanian: Elemente de reglare automata), vol. I, II, Technical University of Timisoara Publ., 1996.
4. R.-E. Precup, St. Preitl:Advanced Control Systems (in Romanian: Sisteme de reglare avansata), vol. I, Technical University of Timisoara Publ., Timisoara, 1995.
5. St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup: Methodic of Teaching (in Romanian Metodica predarii disciplinelor de specialitate", Technical University of Timisoara Publ., Timisoara, 1998.
6. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (1997): Introduction to Fuzzy Control (in Romanian: Introducerein conducerea fuzzy a proceselor). Bucharest. Editura Tehnica Publishers.151 pp.
7. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (1999): Fuzzy Controllers, Timisoara. Editura Orizonturi Universitare Publishers.212 pp.
8. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (1999): Elements of Methodic of Teaching Courses of Automation and Computer Science (in Romanian: Elemente de metodica predarii disciplinelor de automatica si calculatoare). Timisoara. Editura Orizonturi Universitare Publishers. 144 pp.
9. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (2001): Automatic Control (in Romanian: Automatizari). Timisoara. Editura Orizonturi Universitare Publishers. 206 pp.
10. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (2001): Introduction to Control Engineering (in Romanian: Introducere in ingineria reglarii automate). Timisoara. Editura Politehnica Publishers. 334 pp.
11. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (2005): Elements of Automatic Control. Applications to Voltage and Speed Control Systems of Synchronous Generators (in Romanian: Elemente de Reglare Automata. Aplicatii la sistemele de reglare automata a excitatiei si vitezei generatoarelor sincrone). Timisoara. Editura Orizonturi Universitare Publishers. 304 pp.
12. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (2007) (editors): Controllers for Servosystems (in Romanian Regulatoare pentru Servosisteme, in Romanian), Timisoara. Editura Orizonturi Universitare Publishers. 124 pp.
13. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (2007) (editors): Control structure design. Applications (in Romanian Tehnici de proiectare a structurilor de reglare automată. Aplicaţii), Timisoara. Editura Orizonturi Universitare Publishers. 124 pp. 108
14. Preitl Stefan, Precup Radu-Emil, Preitl Zsuzsa (2009): Control Structures and Algorithms (in Romanian Structuri şi algoritmi pentru conducerea automată a proceselor). Vol. 1, Editura Orizonturi Universitare Publishers. 272 pp.
15. Preitl Stefan, Precup Radu-Emil, Preitl Zsuzsa (2009): Control Structures and Algorithms (in Romanian Structuri şi algoritmi pentru conducerea automată a proceselor). Vol. 2, Editura Orizonturi Universitare Publishers. 214 pp.
16. Dumitrache Ioan, Marin Constantin, Preitl Stefan, Toma-Leonida Dragomir (2009): Proiectarea Sistemelor de Reglare Automata., chapter 9, in Automatica, vol. 1, Coordinator Dumitrache Ioan, Bucuresti: Editura Academiei Romane, 2009, 164 pp. (ISBN 978-973-1883-4
17. St. Preitl, Zsuzsa Preitl (2013): Introduction in Automation (Introducere in Automatica), Bucuresti: Conspress, 2013, 252 pp. (ISBN 978-973-100-266-8)
18. St. Preitl, Zsuzsa Preitl (2015): Introduction in Process Control (Introducere in Automatica. Conducerea Automata a Proceselor), Timisoara: Editura Orizonturi Universitare, 2015, 240 pp. (ISBN 978-973-638-557-5)
B. Book chapters
1. St. Preitl and R.-E. Precup: Fuzzy Controllers with Dynamics, a Systematic Design Approach, in: M. Voicu, (Ed.), Advances in Automatic Control, The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, vol. 754 , Kluwer Academic Publishers and Springer-Verlag, 2003, pp. 283-296 (,, (ISBN: 978-1-4613-4827-6 (Print) 978-1-4419-9184-3 (Online))
2. R.-E. Precup and St. Preitl : On the Stability and Sensitivity Analysis of Fuzzy Control Systems for Servo-Systems, in: N. Nedjah and L. de Macedo Mourelle, (Eds.), Fuzzy Systems Engineering, Theory and Practice,.Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, vol. 181 , Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp. 131-161 (,, (ISBN: 978-3-540-25322-8 (Print) 978-3-540-32397-6 (Online))
3. Cl. Pozna, R.-E. Precup, St. Preitl, F. Troester and J. K. Tar: Points of View on Building an Intelligent Robot, in: I. J. Rudas, J. Fodor and J. Kacprzyk, (Eds.), Towards Intelligent Engineering and Information Technology, Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 243, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2009, pp. 263-277 (,, (ISBN: 978-3-642-03736-8 (Print) 978-3-642-03737-5 (Online))
4. R.-E. Precup, M.-B. Rădac, St. Preitl, E. M. Petriu and C.-A. Dragoş: Iterative Feedback Tuning in Linear and Fuzzy Control Systems, in: I. J. Rudas, J. Fodor and J. Kacprzyk, (Eds.), Towards Intelligent Engineering and Information Technology, Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 243, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2009, pp. 179-192 (,, (ISBN: 978-3-642-03736-8 (Print) 978-3-642-03737-5 (Online))
5. St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, M.-L. Tomescu, M.-B. Rădac, E. M. Petriu and C.-A. Dragoş: Model-Based Design Issues in Fuzzy Logic Control, in: I. J. Rudas, J. Fodor and J. Kacprzyk, (Eds.), Towards Intelligent Engineering and Information Technology, Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 243, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2010, pp. 137-152 (,, (ISBN: 978-3-642-03736-8 (Print) 978-3-642-03737-5 (Online))
6. C.-A. Dragoş, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, M. Creţiu and J. Fodor: Modern Control Solutions with Applications in Mechatronic Systems, in: I.J. Rudas, J. Fodor and J. Kacprzyk, (Eds.), Computational Intelligence in Engineering,Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 313, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2010, pp. 87-102 (,, (ISBN: 978-3-642-15219-1 (Print) 978-3-642-15220-7 (Online))
7. M.-B. Rădac, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl and C.-A. Dragoş: Convergent Iterative Feedback Tuning of State Feedback-Controlled Servo Systems, in: Informatics, in J. Andrade Cetto, J. Filipe and J.-L. Ferrier, (Eds.), Control Automation and Robotics, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 85, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2011, pp. 99-111 (,, (ISBN: 978-3-642-19729-1 (Print) 978-3-642-19730-7 (Online))
8. R.-E. Precup, R.-C. David, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl and A. S. Paul: Gravitational Search Algorithm-Based Tuning of Fuzzy Control Systems with a Reduced Parametric Sensitivity, in: A. Gaspar-Cunha, R. Takahashi, G. Schaefer and L. Costa, (Eds.), Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 96, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2011, pp. 141-150 (,, (ISBN: 978-3-642-20504-0 (Print) 978-3-642-20505-7 (Online))
9. R.-E. Precup, R.-C. David, St. Preitl, E. M. Petriu and J. K. Tar: Optimal Control Systems with Reduced Parametric Sensitivity Based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Simulated Annealing, in: M. Koppen, G. Schaefer and A. Abraham (Eds.), Intelligent Computational Optimization in Engineering Techniques and Applications, Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 366, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2011, pp. 177-207 (,, (ISBN: 978-3-642-21704-3 (Print) 978-3-642-21705-0 (Online))
10. R.-E. Precup, S. V. Spătaru, M.-B. Rădac, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl, C.-A. Dragoş and R.-C. David: Experimental Results of Model-Based Fuzzy Control Solutions for a Laboratory Antilock Braking System, in: Z. S. Hippe, J. L. Kulikowski and T. Mroczek, (Eds.), Human-Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 2, Part 2, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 99, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2012, pp. 223-234 (,, (ISBN: 978-3-642-23171-1 (Print) 978-3-642-23172-8 (Online))
11. C.-A. Dragoş, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup and E. M. Petriu: Points of View on Magnetic Levitation System Laboratory-Based Control Education, in: Z. S. Hippe, J. L. Kulikowski and T. Mroczek, (Eds.), Human-Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 2, Part 2, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 99, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2012, pp. 261-275, (,, (ISBN: 978-3-642-23171-1 (Print) 978-3-642-23172-8 (Online))
12. R.-C. David, R.-E. Precup, St. Preitl, J. K. Tar and J. Fodor: Three Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms in PI Controller Tuning, in: R.-E. Precup, Sz. Kovács, St. Preitl and E. M. Petriu, (Eds.) Applied Computational Intelligence in Engineering and Information Technology, Topics in Intelligent Engineering and Informatics, vol. 1, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2012, pp. 95-106, (,, (ISBN: 978-3-642-28304-8 (Print) 978-3-642-28305-5 (Online))
13. St. Preitl, A.-I. Stinean, R.-E. Precup, C.-A. Dragoş and M.-B. Rădac: 2-DOF and Fuzzy Control Extensions of Symmetrical Optimum Design Method: Applications and Perspectives, in: R.-E. Precup, Sz. Kovacs, St. Preitl, E. M. Petriu (Eds.), Applied Computational Intelligence in Engineering and Information Technology, Topics in Intelligent Engineering and Informatics, vol. 1, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2012, pp. 19-37, (,, (ISBN: 978-3-642-28304-8 (Print) 978-3-642-28305-5 (Online))
14. R.-E. Precup, F.-C. Enache, M.-B. Rădac, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl, C.-A. Dragoş: Lead-Lag Controller-Based Iterative Learning Control Algorithms for 3D Crane Systems, in: Aspects of Computational Intelligence: Theory and Applications, L. Madarasz and J. Živčák (Eds.), Topics in Intelligent Engineering and Informatics, vol. 2 Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2013, pp. 25-38, (,, (ISBN: 978-3-642-30667-9 (Print) 978-3-642-30668-6 (Online))
15. A.-I. Stinean, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, C.-A. Dragoş, M.-B. Rădac: Classical and Fuzzy Approaches to 2-DOF Control Solutions for BLDC-m Drives, in: Intelligent Systems: Models and Applications, E. Pap (Ed.). Topics in Intelligent Engineering and Informatics, vol. 3 Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2013, pp. 175-193, (,, (ISBN: 978-3-642-33958-5 (Print) 978-3-642-33959-2 (Online))
16. S. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, Z. Preitl, A.-I. Stinean, M.-B. Radac, C.-A. Dragos: Control Algorithms for Plants Operating Under Variable Conditions, Applications, in: Advances in Soft Computing, Intelligent Robotics and Control, J. Fodor and R. Fuller, (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, Topics in Intelligent Engineering and Informatics, vol. 8, 2014, pp. 3-39, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-05945-7_1, Print ISBN: 978-3-319-05944-0, Online ISBN: 978-3-319-05945-7,
17. R.-C. David, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl, M.-B. Rădac and L.-O. Fedorovici, Adaptive Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms for Simple Fuzzy Controller Tuning Dedicated to Servo Systems, in: Fuzzy Modeling and Control: Theory and Applications, F. Matia, G. N. Marichal and E. Jimenez, Eds., Atlantis Computational Intelligence Systems, vol. 9 (Atlantis Press and Springer-Verlag), pp. 159-173, 2014 (,
C. Articles in journals (selection from a larger publication list)
1. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (1995): Fuzzy Control Algorithms Implementation for a Synchronous Generator Connected to a Power System. In: Integrated Systems Engineering, Ed. Johannsen, G. (Elsevier Science), 377-386.
2. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (1995): On the Opportunity of ARW Measures in Fuzzy Control. In: Real World Applications of Intelligent Technologies, Eds. Zimmermann, H.-J., Negoita, M. Gh. and Dascalu, D. (Bucharest: Editura Academiei Romane Publishers), 149-153.
3. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St. and Vukovic, P. (1996): On a Combination of Sliding Mode Control and Fuzzy Control. In: Facta Universitatis, Series Mechanics, Automatic Control and Robotics, Ed. Hedrih, K.R. (Nis, Yugoslavia), 6, 133-142
4. Preitl, St., R-E. Precup (1996): On the Algorithmic Design of a Class of Systems Based on Providing the Symmetry of Open-loop Bode Plots, Buletinul Stiintific al UPT Transaction on AC and CS, vol. 41 (55) pp. 47-55 (1996), ISSN-1224-600X
5. Preitl, St., A. Porumb (1997): About Pole Placement Method for State Feedback Design, Buletinul Stiintific al UPT(1997), ISSN 1224-600X, Seria AC vol. 42(56), pp.119 - 128.
6. Preitl, St., R-E. Precup (1997): PI Controllers Design for Speed Control of DC Drives with Variable Moment of Inertia , Buletinul Stiintific al UPT Transaction on AC and CS, vol. 42 (56) pp.97-105 (1997), ISSN-1224-600X
7. Preitl, St., R-E. Precup (1998): Extensions in applying the design relations specific to Extended Symmetrical Optimum Method, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Technical Informatics CONTI'98, Timisoara, October 29-30, 1998, vol. 1 pp.141-150 (Special Issue of Buletinul Stiintific al UPT, seria AC, vol. 43(57)-1998, ISSN-1224-600X).
8. Preitl, St., R-E. Precup (1998): Sensitivity Analysis of Control Systems with Controllers, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Technical Informatics CONTI'98, Timisoara, October 29-30, 1998, vol. 1 pp.165 - 174 (Special Issue of Buletinul Stiintific al UPT, seria AC, vol 43(57)-1998, ISSN-1224-600X).
9. Preitl, St., St. Solyom (1998): Fuzzy State Controller for Linear and Nonlinear Systems, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Technical Informatics CONTI'98, Timisoara, October 29-30, 1998, vol. 2, pp. 209 - 218 (Special Issue of Buletinul Stiintific al UPT, seria AC, vol. 43(57)-1998, ISSN-1224-600X).
10. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E. (1998): Sesitivity Analysis of Control Systems with Controllers Tuned by the Symmetrical Optimum Method, Buletinul Stiintific al U.P. Timisoara (Acta Polytechnica). Trans. on Automatic Control and Computer Science, vol. 43(57), no. 1, pp. 165-174 (1998).
11. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (1998): On Some Predictive and Adaptive Fuzzy Controllers Based on Ensuring the Maximum Phase Reserve. In: System Structure and Control 1997, Eds. Ionescu, Vl. and Popescu, D. (Elsevier Science), 321-326 (
12. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (1999): An Extension of Tuning Relations after Symmetrical Optimum Method for PI and PID Controllers. Automatica (Elsevier Science) 35, 1731-1736
13. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St. and Solyom, St. (1999): Center Manifold Theory Approach to the Stability Analysis of Fuzzy Control Systems. In: Computational Intelligence. Theory and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1625, Ed. Reusch, B. (Springer-Verlag), 382-390
( (
14. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St. and Solyom, St. (1999): On Some Mamdani-type PI Fuzzy Controllers meant for a Class of Minimum Phase Systems. CEAI, Control Engineering and Applied Informatics (Bucharest: Romanian Society of Control Engineering and Technical Informatics) nb. 1, vol.1, pp. 32-43.
15. Precup, R.-E., Doboli, S. and Preitl, St. (2000): Stablity Analysis and Development of a Class of Fuzzy Systems. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier Science), 13, 237-247
( =authors).
16. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (2000): Optimization Aspects Concerning the Extended Symmetrical Optimum (ESO) Method and the Modified Structure of ESO (MS-ESO) Method. Control Engineering and Applied Informatics (Bucharest: Romanian Society of Control Engineering and Technical Informatics) 2, 19-24.
17. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (2000): Cross-optimization Aspects Concerning the Extended Symmetrical Optimum Method. In: Digital Control 2000: Past, Present and Future of PID Control, Eds. Quevedo, J. and Escobet, T. (Elsevier Science), 223-228.
18. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E. and Kilyeni, St. (2001): State Space Approach to the Stability Analysis of a Class of Fuzzy Control Systems Meant for Third-order Plants. In: Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control 2000, Eds. Rudas, I.J and Tar, J.K. (Elsevier Science), 259-264 (
19. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St. and Preitl, Zs. (2001): Robustness Analysis of a Class of Fuzzy Systems. In: Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications 2001 (LSS'01), Eds. Filip, F. G., Dumitrache, I. and Iliescu, S. S. (Elsevier Science), 249-254.
20. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E., Solyom, St. and Kovacs, L. (2001): Development of Conventional and Fuzzy Controllers for Output Coupled Drive Systems and Variable Inertia. In: Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications 2001 (LSS'01), Eds. Filip, F. G., Dumitrache, I. and Iliescu, S. S. (Elsevier Science), 261-269.
21. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (2002): On Some Low Cost Fuzzy Control Solutions for Third-Order Integral Actuators. In: Cost Oriented Automation (Low Cost Automation 2001), Eds. Bernhardt, R. and Erbe, H.-H. (Elsevier Science), pp. 65-70.
22. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E., Solyom, St., Kovacs, L. and Preitl, Zs. (2002): Control Solutions for Electrical Driving Systems. Tuning Methodologies for PI and PID Controllers. In: The VIIth Edition of Timisoara's Academic Days: Selected Papers, Eds. Trusculescu, M. and Ancusa, V. (Timisoara: Romanian Academy Timisoara Branch, Romanian Technical Sciences Academy Timisoara Branch, Editura Orizonturi Universitare Publishers), pp. 69-86.
23. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E. and Coroban, D.-L. (2002): Use of Mathematics in Automatic Control. Some Actual Aspects. Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics (Budapest: PAMM-Centre, Technical University of Budapest), The PAMM's Life Supplement, 15-20.
24. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (2003): Development of Fuzzy Controllers with Non-homogenous Dynamics for Integral-type Plants. Electrical Engineering (Archiv fuer Elektrotechnik) Springer-Verlag, 85, 155-168.
25. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St. and Faur, G. (2003): PI Predictive Fuzzy Controllers for Electrical Drive Speed Control: Methods and Software for Stable Development. Computers in Industry (Elsevier Science) 52, 253-270.
26. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (2003): Popov-type Stability Analysis Method for Fuzzy Control Systems with PI Fuzzy Controllers. Revue Roumaine de Sciences Techniques, Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique (Bucharest: Editura Academiei Romane) 48, 505-522.
27. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St. and Korondi, P. (2004): Development of Fuzzy Controllers with Dynamics Regarding Stability Conditions and Sensitivity Analysis. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (Fuji Technology Press) 8, 499-506.
28. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (2004). Optimisation Criteria in Development of Fuzzy Controllers with Dynamics. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, (Elsevier Science) 17, 661-674.
29. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, Zs. (2005): Development of Conventional and Fuzzy Controllers and Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Models Dedicated for Control of Low Order Benchmarks with Time Variable Parameters. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica (Budapest Tech Polytechnical Institution) 2, 75-92.
30. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., (2005), On the Stability and Sensitivity Analysis of Fuzzy Control Systems for Servo-Systems, Chapter 6 in "Fuzzy Systems Engineering - Theory and Practice", Editors: N. Nedjah, L. de Macedo Mourelle, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, vol. 181, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2005, ISBN (978)-3-540-25322-X, ISSN 1434-9922, pp. 131 - 161
31. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Szabo, Cs., Korondi, P. and Szemes, P. (2005). On Some Low-Cost Tracking Controllers for Mobile Robots. Control and Intelligent Systems (Acta Press) 33, 1-12.
32. R.-E. Precup, St. Preitl (2006) On a Class of Control Systems with Takagi-Sugeno PI-Fuzzy Controller, Studies in Informatics and Control, National Institute for R&D in Informatics ICI Bucharest, ISSN 1220-1766, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 323 - 332
33. J. K. Tar, I. J. Rudas, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, (2006) Robust, Potential Limited Control for an Indirectly Driven Saturated System, Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universităţii Politehnica din Timişoara, Seria Automatică şi Calculatoare, Editura Politehnica, Timişoara, ISSN 1224-600X, vol. 51 (65), no. 1, 2006, pp. 25-30
34. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E., Fodor, J. and Bede, B. (2006): Iterative Feedback Tuning in Fuzzy Control Systems. Theory and Applications. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica (Budapest Tech Polytechnical Institution), vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 81-96 (
35. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (2006): Stability and Sensitivity Analysis of Fuzzy Control Systems. Mechatronics Applications. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica (Budapest Tech Polytechnical Institution), vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 61-76 (
36. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (2006): On a Class of Control Systems with Takagi-Sugeno PI-Fuzzy Controllers. Studies in Informatics and Control (National Institute for R&D in Informatics ICI Bucharest), vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 323-332 (
37. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (2006): Sensitivity study of a class of fuzzy control systems. Periodica Polytechnica, Electrical Engineering (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), vol. 50, no. 3-4, pp. 255-268 (
38. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (2006): PI and PID controllers tuning for integral-type servo systems to ensure robust stability and controller robustness. Electrical Engineering (Archiv fuer Elektrotechnik) (Springer-Verlag), vol. 88, no. 2, pp. 149-156, SCI impact factor = 0.068 (
39. Precup, R.-E., Tomescu, M. L. and Preitl, St. (2007): Lorenz System Stabilization Using Fuzzy Controllers. International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control (Agora University, CCC Publishing, EBSCO Publishing), vol. II, no. 3, pp. 279-2873 (
40. Tomescu, M.-L., Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E. and Tar, J. K. (2007): Stability Analysis Method for Fuzzy Control Systems Dedicated Controlling Nonlinear Processes. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica (Budapest Tech Polytechnical Institution), vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 127-141 (
41. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St. and Korondi, P. (2007): Fuzzy Controllers with Maximum Sensitivity for Servosystems. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 1298-1310, SCI impact factor = 2.216 (
42. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (2007): PI-Fuzzy Controllers for Integral Plants to Ensure Robust Stability. Information Sciences (Elsevier Science), vol. 177, no. 20, pp. 4410-4429, SCI impact factor = 2.147 (
43. Precup, R.-E., Tomescu, M. L., Preitl, St. and Skrjanc, I. (2008): Stable Fuzzy Logic Control Solution for Lorenz Chaotic System Stabilization. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (Indian Society for Development & Environment Research), vol. 1, no. A08, pp. 23-33 (
44. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Rudas, I. J., Tomescu, M. L. and Tar, J. K. (2008): Design and Experiments for a Class of Fuzzy Controlled Servo Systems. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 22-35, SCI impact factor = 1.614 (
45. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Tar, J. K., Tomescu, M. L., Takacs, M., Korondi, P. and Baranyi, P. (2008): Fuzzy Control System Performance Enhancement by Iterative Learning Control. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 3461-3475, SCI impact factor = 5.468 (
46. Precup, R.-E., David, R.-C., Preitl, St. and Petriu, E. M. (2009): Design aspects of optimal PI controllers with reduced sensitivity for a class of servo systems using PSO algorithms. Facta Universitatis, Series Automatic Control and Robotics (University of Nis), vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 1-12 (
47. Precup, R.-E., Tomescu, M. L., Preitl, St. and Petriu, E. M. (2009): Fuzzy Logic-based Stabilization of Nonlinear Time-varying Systems. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (Indian Society for Development & Environment Research), vol. 3, no. A09, pp. 24-36 (
48. Precup, R.-E., Tomescu, M. L. and Preitl, St. (2009): Fuzzy Logic Control System Stability Analysis Based on Lyapunov's Direct Method. International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control (Agora University Editing House - CCC Publications), vol. IV, no. 4, pp. 415-426, SCI impact factor = 0.373 (
49. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Petriu, E. M., Tar, J. K., Tomescu, M. L. and Pozna, Cl. (2009): Generic two-degree-of-freedom linear and fuzzy controllers for integral processes. Journal of The Franklin Institute (Elsevier Science), vol. 346, no. 10, pp. 980-1003, SCI impact factor = 1.130 (
50. Pozna, Cl., Troester, F., Precup, R.-E., Tar, J. K. and Preitl, St. (2009): On the Design of an Obstacle Avoiding Trajectory: Method and Simulation. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Elsevier Science), vol. 79, no. 7, pp. 2211-2226, SCI impact factor = 0.946 (
51. Pozna, Cl., Precup, R.-E., Tar, J. K., �krjanc, I. and Preitl, St. (2010): New results in modelling derived from Bayesian filtering. Knowledge-Based Systems (Elsevier Science), vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 182-194, SCI impact factor = 1.308 (
52. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Rădac, M.-B., Petriu, E. M., Dragoş, C.-A. and Tar, J. K. (2010): Experiment-based teaching in advanced control engineering. IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1-11, SCI impact factor = 0.822 (
53. M.-B. Rădac, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu and St. Preitl (2011): Application of IFT and SPSA to servo system control, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 22 (2011), no. 12, part 2, pp. 2363-2375, ISI SCI impact factor = 2.952, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 3.766 (IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems starting with 2012) (,, (ISSN 1045-9227)
54. R.-E. Precup, C.-A. Dragoş, St. Preitl, M.-B. Rădac and E. M. Petriu (2012) Novel tensor product models for automatic transmission system control, IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 488-498, (2012), ISI SCI impact factor = 1.270, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 1.270 (, (ISSN 1932-8184)
55. T. Haidegger, L. Kov�cs, R.-E. Precup, B. Beny�, Z. Beny� and St. Preitl (2012) Simulation and control for telerobots in space medicine, Acta Astronautica (Elsevier Science), vol. 181, no. 1, pp. 390-402, (2012), ISI SCI impact factor = 0.701, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 0.701 (, (ISSN: 0094-5765)
56. R.-E. Precup, T. Haidegger, St. Preitl, B. Beny�, A. S. Paul and L. Kov�cs (2012): Fuzzy control solution for telesurgical applications, Applied and Computational Mathematics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and Institute of Applied Mathematics of Baku State University), vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 378-397, 2012, ISI SCI impact factor = 0.750, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 0.750 (, (ISSN: 1683-3511)
57. R.-E. Precup, M. L. Tomescu, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl and C.-A. Dragoş (2012): Stable design of a class of nonlinear discrete-time MIMO fuzzy control systems, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica (�buda University), vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 57-76, (2012), ISI SCI impact factor = 0.588, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 0.588 (, (ISSN: 1785-8860)
58. R.-E. Precup, R.-C. David, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl and M.-B. Rădac (2012): Fuzzy control systems with reduced parametric sensitivity based on simulated annealing, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 59, no. 8, pp. 3049-3061, (2012), ISI SCI impact factor = 5.165, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 5.165 (, (ISSN 0278-0046)
59. R.-E. Precup, M. L. Tomescu, M.-B. Rădac, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl and C.-A. Dragoş (2012): Iterative performance improvement of fuzzy control systems for three tank systems, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier Science), vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 8288-8299, (2012), ISI SCI impact factor = 1.854, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 1.854 (,, (ISSN: 0957-4174)
60. R.-E. Precup, R.-C. David, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl and M.-B. Rădac (2012): Novel adaptive gravitational search algorithm for fuzzy controlled servo systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 791-800, (2012), ISI SCI impact factor = 3.381, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 3.381 (, (ISSN 1551-3203)
61. M.-B. Rădac, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl and C.-A. Dragoş (2012): Data-driven reference trajectory tracking algorithm and experimental validation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, pp. 1-10, (2012), ISI SCI impact factor = 3.381, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 3.381 (, (ISSN 1551-3203)
62. R.-C. David, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu, M.-B. Rădac and St. Preitl (2013): Gravitational Search Algorithm-Based Design of Fuzzy Control Systems with a Reduced Parametric Sensitivity, Information Sciences (Elsevier Science), vol. 247, pp. 154-173 (2013), ISI SCI impact factor = 3.643, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 3.643 (, (ISSN: 0020-0255)
63. R.-E. Precup, R.-C. David, E. M. Petriu, M.-B. Rădac, St. Preitl and J. Fodor (2013): Evolutionary optimization-based tuning of low-cost fuzzy controllers for servo systems, Knowledge-Based Systems (Elsevier Science), vol. 38, pp. 74-84, 2013, ISI SCI impact factor = 4.104, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 4.104 (
64. R.-E. Precup, M.-B. Rădac, M. L. Tomescu, E. M. Petriu and St. Preitl (2013): Stable and convergent iterative feedback tuning of fuzzy controllers for discrete-time SISO systems, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier Science), vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 188-199 (2013), ISI SCI impact factor = 1.854, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 1.854 (,, (ISSN: 0957-4174)
65. R.-E. Precup, R.-C. David, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl and M.-B. Rădac (2013): Novel Adaptive Charged System Search Algorithm for Optimal Tuning of Fuzzy Controllers, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier Science), (2013), ISI SCI impact factor = 1.854, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 1.854 (, (ISSN: 0957-4174)
66. R.-E. Precup, R.-C. David, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl and M.-B. Rădac (2013): Fuzzy logic-based adaptive gravitational search algorithm for optimal tuning of fuzzy controlled servo systems, IET Control Theory & Applications, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 99-107 (2013), ISI SCI impact factor = 1.717, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 1.717 (, (ISSN: 1751-8644)
67. R.-E. Precup, M. L. Tomescu, St. Preitl, E. M. Petriu, J. Fodor and Cl. Pozna (2013): Stability analysis and design of a class of MIMO fuzzy control systems, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems (IOS Press), vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 145-155, (2013), ISI SCI impact factor = 0.788, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 0.788 (, (ISSN 1064-1246 (print), pp. 1875-8967 (online))
68. C.-A. Dragoş, R.-E. Precup, M. L. Tomescu, St. Preitl, E. M. Petriu and M.-B. Rădac (2013): An Approach to Fuzzy Modeling of Electromagnetic Actuated Clutch Systems, International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control (Agora University Editing House - CCC Publications), vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 395-406 (2013), ISI SCI impact factor = 0.441, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 0.441 (, (online: ISSN 1841-9844; ISSN-L 1841-9836)
69. M.-B. Rădac, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu and St. Preitl (2013): Experiment-based Performance Improvement of State Feedback Control Systems for Single Input Processes, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica (Obuda University), vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 5-24 (2013), ISI SCI impact factor = 0.588, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 0.588 (, (ISSN: 1785-8860)
70. M.-B. Rădac, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu and St. Preitl (2014): Iterative Data-Driven Tuning of Controllers for Nonlinear Systems with Constraints, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2014.2300068, 2014, ISI SCI impact factor = 5.165, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 5.165 (
71. R.-E. Precup, R.-C. David, E. M. Petriu, M.-B. Rădac and St. Preitl (2014), Adaptive GSA-Based Optimal Tuning of PI Controlled Servo Systems With Reduced Process Parametric Sensitivity, Robust Stability and Controller Robustness, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2014.2307257, 2014, ISI SCI impact factor = 3.236, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 3.236 (
72. R.-E. Precup, H.-I. Filip, M.-B. Rădac, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl and C.-A. Dragoş (2014), Online Identification of Evolving Takagi-Sugeno-Kang Fuzzy Models for Crane Systems, Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier Science), DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2014.01.013, 2014, ISI SCI impact factor = 2.140, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 2.140 (
73. R.-E. Precup, R.-C. David, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl and M.-B. Rădac (2014): Novel Adaptive Charged System Search Algorithm for Optimal Tuning of Fuzzy Controllers, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier Science), vol. 41, no. 4, part 1, pp. 1168-1175, 2014, ISI SCI impact factor = 1.854, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 1.854 (
74. R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu, M.-B. Rădac, St. Preitl, L.-O. Fedorovici and C.-A. Dragoş (2014): Cascade control system-based cost effective combination of tensor product model transformation and fuzzy control, Asian Journal of Control (John Wiley and Sons), DOI: 10.1002/asjc.855, 2014, ISI SCI impact factor = 1.411, SCI impact factor in 2012 = 1.411 (
D. Published contributions to Scientific Conferences (selection from a larger publication list)
1974 – 1991 (selection)
1. N. Budisan, T.L. Dragomir, St. Preitl, E. Dragomir (1974) Contributions to the Automatic Control of the Main Generator of Diesel-electric Locomotives, IFAC Symp. on Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, Duesseldorf (W. Germany),7-9. Oktober,1974, Preprints,vol.2, pp. 467-480
2. St. Preitl (1985) System Identification by Statistical Methods: Spectral Analysis, 7-th IFAC Symp. on Identification and System Parameter Estimation, York (U.K.), 3-5 July 1985, Preprints, vol.4, pp. 1733-1738
3. St. Preitl, H. Daday (1984) Compex Studies for Speed Governor Implementation in Water Power Station, The 7-th International Conference on "Control System and Computer Science" (SAII-7), Bucharest, 1984, Proceedings, vol.1 pp. 290-294
4. St. Preitl, D. Onea, Gh. Strain (1989) Identification Aspects of Speed Governors through Frequency Methods Int.Conf. "HYDRO-TURBO"89", Brno (Cehoslovacia), 1989, Proceedings, vol.III, Paper C-20, pp. 692-701
5. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (1992): Aspects Concerning Tuning and Implementation of Some Controllers and Control Algorithms for Speed Control of Hydrogenerators, in Hydroelectric Power Stations. Proceedings of "Automation'92" Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 3, pp. 504-513.
6. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E. and Fogarasi, A. (1993): Control Algorithms for the Electrohydraulic Servosystem of a Speed Governor. Proceedings of Hydrodynamic Machines in Power Engineering - HYDROTURBO'93 Conference, Brno, Czech Republic, 2, pp. 321-330.
7. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (1993): Fuzzy Control of an Electrohydraulic Servosystem under Nonlinearity Constraints. Proceedings of First European Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Technologies - EUFIT'93, Ed. Zimmermann, H.-J. (Verlag der Augustinus Buchhandlung), Aachen, Germany, 3, pp. 1524-1530.
8. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (1994): On a Fuzzy Digital PID Predictor Controller. Proceedings of Second IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation, Chania, Crete, Greece, pp. 569-573.
9. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (1994): Fuzzy Control Algorithms Implementation for a Synchronous Generator Connected to a Power System. Preprints of IFAC Conference on Integrated Systems Engineering - ISE'94, Baden-Baden, Germany (Pergamon Press), pp. 83-92.
10. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (1994): Fuzzy Control and Fuzzy Optimization Aspects for a Hydrogenerator Connected to a Power System. Proceedings of First Workshop on Fuzzy Based Expert Systems - FUBEST'94, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8-10.
11. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Kilyeni, St. and Lustrea, B. (1994): Fuzzy Speed and Voltage Control of a Hydrogenerator. Preprints of Fifth Symposium on Application of Multivariable System Techniques - AMST'94, Ed. Whalley, R. (Mechanical Engineering Publications Limited), London, UK, pp. 151-158
12. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (1994): Fuzzy Controller Equivalent to the Digital PID Predictor Controller. Proceedings of Second European Congress on Intelligent Technologies and Soft Computing – EUFIT-94, Ed. Zimmermann, H.-J. (Verlag der Augustinus Buchhandlung), Aachen, Germany, pp. 968-971.
13. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (1994): Comparison of Three State Feedback Controllers. Why Fuzzy Control. Proceedings of Second European Congress on Intelligent Technologies and Soft Computing – EUFIT-94, Ed. Zimmermann, H.-J. (Verlag der Augustinus Buchhandlung), Aachen, Germany, pp. 1383-1387.
14. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (1995): Approach to the Predictive Component Treatment for Fuzzy Controllers. Proceedings of Third European Congress on Intelligent Technologies and Soft Computing - EUFIT'95, Ed. Zimmermann, H.-J. (Verlag Mainz), Aachen, Germany, pp. 1082-1086.
15. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (1995): On the Predictive Component Treatment for PID Fuzzy Controllers. Proceedings of Sixth World Congress of International Fuzzy Systems Association – IFSA-95, Sao Paulo, Brazil, pp. 573-576.
16. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (1996): Stability Analysis of a Hydrogenerator Speed Control System Containing a Fuzzy Controller with Dynamics. Proceedings of Second Conference on Applications of Fuzzy Systems – ICAFS-96, Siegen, Germany, pp. 400-405 (
17. St. Preitl, A. Porumb (1996) A New Polesţ Placement Method for a Discrete State Feedback Control Structure, Buletinul Stiinţific al Universităţii Politehnica din Timisoara, Seria Automatică şi Calculatoare, ISSN 1224-600X, Tom 41 (55), fasc.1/1996, pp.39-46.
18. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (1996): Stability Analysis of Minimum- and Nonminimum- Phased Fuzzy Control Systems. Proceedings of Fourth European Congress on Intelligent Technologies and Soft Computing – EUFIT-96, Ed. Zimmermann, H.-J. (Verlag Mainz), Aachen, Germany, 2, 1065-1069 (
19. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (1996): Some Results in Fuzzy Control of Nonminimum-phased Systems. Proceedings of Second Workshop on Fuzzy Based Expert Systems – FUBEST-96, Ed. Lakov, D.V., Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 6-13.
20. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (1997): Intelligent Sliding Mode Controller with Fuzzy Logic Blocks. Proceedings of Second World Congress on Intelligent Manufacturing Processes & Systems - IMP&S'97, Edited by L. Monostori (Springer Verlag), Budapest, Hungary, pp. 402-407
21. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (1997): On Some Predictive and Adaptive Fuzzy Controllers Based on Ensuring the Maximum Phase Reserve. Preprints of Fourth IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control - SSC'97, Eds. Ionescu, Vl. and Popescu, D. (Editura Tehnica), Bucharest, Romania, pp. 349-354.
22. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (1997): Popov-type Stability Analysis Method for Fuzzy Control Systems. Proceedings of Fifth European Congress on Intelligent Technologies and Soft Computing - EUFIT'97, Ed. Zimmermann, H.-J. (Verlag Mainz), Aachen, Germany, 2, pp. 1306-1310 ( )
23. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (1997): Overview on Some Predictive and Adaptive Fuzzy Controllers Applied to Nonminimum-phased Systems. Proceedings of 12th Conference on Systems Engineering - ICSE'97, Coventry, UK, 2, pp. 556-559.
24. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (1997): Two-level Fuzzy Control of a Hydrogenerator. Proceedings of 32nd Conference on Conference on Universities Power Engineering - UPEC'97, Manchester, UK, 1, pp. 539-542.
25. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E. and Dragomir, T.-L. (1998): Inter-Regional Co-operation in Higher Education as Stabilisation Element. Preprints of IFAC Conference on Supplemental Ways for Improving International Stability - SWIIS'98, Eds. Dumitrache, I. and Kopacek, P., Sinaia, Romania, pp.135-140.
26. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (1998): On a Design Method for PI Fuzzy Controllers Meant for Minimum Phase Systems. Proceedings of "CONTROLO'98" Conference, Eds. Dourado, A. and others, Coimbra, Portugal, 2, pp. 697-702 (
27. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (1998): Tuning of PI and PID Controllers by a Generalized Form of the Symmetrical Optimum Method (Invited Paper). Proceedings of 6th Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements – SAUM-98, Edited by Z. Bucevac, , Nis, Yugoslavia, pp. 34-48 (
28. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (1999): Development of a Quasi-PI Fuzzy Controller Based on the Principle of Minimum Guaranteed Phase Margin. Proceedings of 14th World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control IFAC-99, Eds. Chen, H.F., Hunt, K.J., Hashimoto, Y., Farkas, I. and Murase, H. (Elsevier Science), Beijing, China, K, pp. 183-188 (
29. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (1999): Development of Some Fuzzy Controllers with Non-Homogenous Dynamics with Respect to the Input Channels Meant for a Class of Systems. Proceedings of European Control Conference – ECC-99, Karlsruhe, Germany, CD-ROM, paper index F56, 6 pages.
30. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (1999): On a Hybrid PI-Neuro-Fuzzy Controller Meant for a Class of Non-Minimum Phase Systems, Proceedings of Seventh European Congress on Intelligent Technologies and Soft Computing – EUFIT-99, Ed. Zimmermann, H.-J., (Verlag Mainz), Aachen, Germany, CD-ROM, paper index BA8-12793-P, 6 pages (
31. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E. and Kilyeni, St. (1999): Variable Structure Fuzzy Controllers for Speed and Voltage Control of Synchronous Generators. Proc. of 34-th Conference on Universities Power Engineering – UPEC-99, Leicester, UK, 1, pp. 185-188 (
32. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (2000): Cross Optimization Aspects Concerning the Extended Symmetrical Optimum Method. Preprints of IFAC Workshop on Digital Control: Past, Present and Future of PID Control, Eds. Quevedo, J. and Escobet, T., Terrassa, Spain, pp. 254-259. (
33. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (2000): Extended Symmetrical Optimum (ESO) Method: A New Tuning Strategy for PI/PID Controllers. Preprints of IFAC Workshop on Digital Control: Past, Present and Future of PID Control, Eds. Quevedo, J. and Escobet, T., Terrassa, Spain, pp. 421-426 (
34. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E. and Kilyeni, St. (2000): State Space Approach to the Stability Analysis of a Class of Fuzzy Control Systems Meant for Third-order Plants. Preprints of IFAC Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Real Time Control - AIRTC-2000, Eds. Rudas, I.J. and Tar, J.K., Budapest, Hungary, pp. 263-268.
35. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St. and Preitl, Zs. (2001): Robustness Analysis of a Class of Fuzzy Systems (Paper in Invited Session). Preprints of 6th IFAC / IFORS / IMACS / IFIP Symposium on Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications - LSS2001, Eds. Filip, F.G., Dumitrache, I. and Iliescu, S.S. (Editura ICI Publishers), Bucharest, Romania, pp. 255-260.
36. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E., Solyom, St. and Kovacs, L. (2001): Development of Conventional and Fuzzy Controllers for Output Coupled Drive Systems and Variable Inertia (Paper in Invited Session). Preprints of 6th IFAC / IFORS / IMACS / IFIP Symposium on Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications - LSS2001, Eds. Filip, F.G., Dumitrache, I. and Iliescu, S.S. (Editura ICI Publishers), Bucharest, Romania, pp. 267-274.
37. Preitl, St., Preitl, Zs. and Precup, R.-E. (2001): Tuning Methodologies for PI and PID Controllers for Second and Third Order Systems (Invited Paper). Proceedings of 7th Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements - SAUM'01, Ed. Nedic, N.N., Vrnjachka Banja, Yugoslavia, pp. 24-29.
38. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (2001): On Some Low Cost Fuzzy Control Solutions for Third-Order Integral Actuators. Preprints of 6th IFAC Symposium on Cost Oriented Automation - Low Cost Automation 2001, Eds. Bernhardt, R. and Erbe, H.-H., Berlin, Germany, pp. 68-73 (
39. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (2002): Development Method for a Takagi-Sugeno PI-Fuzzy Controller. Preprints of 15th IFAC World Congress b'02, Eds. Camacho, E.F., Basanez, L. and de la Puente, J.A. (Pergamon, Elsevier Science Ltd), Barcelona, Spain, CD-ROM, paper index 390, 6 pages (
40. Preitl, St., Preitl, Zs. and Precup, R.-E. (2002): Low Cost Fuzzy Controllers for Classes of Second-order Systems. Preprints of 15th IFAC World Congress b'02, Eds. Camacho, E.F., Basanez, L. and de la Puente, J.A. (Pergamon, Elsevier Science Ltd), Barcelona, Spain, CD-ROM, paper index 416, 6 pages ( Sesion.asp?session=50)
41. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E., Preitl, Zs. and Kovacs, L. (2002): Development Methods of Fuzzy Controllers for Low Order Benchmarks (Electrical Drives). Proceedings of 2002 First International IEEE Symposium "Intelligent Systems - IS'2002", Varna, Bulgaria, II Invited Sessions EUNITE, pp. 13-18 (
42. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (2002): Research Results in Fuzzy Controllers with Dynamics. Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 197-208.
43. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (2003): Multiobjective Optimisation Criteria in Development of Fuzzy Controllers with Dynamics. Preprints of IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimisation - CAO 2003, Eds. Bars, R. and Gyurkovics, E., Visegrad, Hungary, pp. 261-266.
44. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (2003): Aspects Concerning the Development of Fuzzy Controllers with Dynamics Subject to Conditions of Stability and Sensitivity Analysis. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics - ICCC 2003, Eds. Rudas, I. J. and Szakal, A., Siofok, Hungary, pp. 169-174.
45. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (2003): Points of View in Controller Design by Means of Extended Symmetrical Optimum Method. Preprints of 2nd IFAC Conference on Control Systems Design, Eds. Kozak, St. and Huba, M., Bratislava, Slovak Republic, CD-ROM, paper index 048-3-4, 6 pages.
46. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E. and Korondi, P. (2003): Aspects Concerning the Development of Fuzzy Controllers for Servo Systems. Proceedings of 4th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, Budapest, Hungary, 89-100.
47. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, Zs. (2003): Two Degree of Freedom Fuzzy Controllers: Structure and Development. Proceedings of International Conference in Memoriam John von Neumann, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 49-60
48. Holban, St., Preitl, St., Crisan M. (2003): Forty Years of Education and Research in Computers and Informatics at "Politechnica" University of Timisoara, Proceedings of International Conference in Memoriam John von Neumann, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 108-117.
49. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (2004): Fuzzy Controllers for Speed Control of Hydroelectric Power Turbines. Proceedings of 2nd Slovakian - Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence - SAMI 2004, Herlany, Slovakia, pp. 77-87.
50. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E. and Kilyeni, St. (2004): Fuzzy Controllers with Dynamics for Hydro-generators: Voltage and Speed Control. Proceedings of 6th International Conference "Control of Power Systems'04", Ed. Vesely, V., Strbske Pleso, High Tatras, Slovakia, CD-ROM, paper index A3-04, 10 pages.
51. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Balas, M. and Balas, V. (2004): Fuzzy Controllers for Tire Slip Control in Anti-lock Braking Systems. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems - FUZZ - IEEE 2004, Budapest, Hungary, CD-ROM, paper index 1311, 6 pages.
52. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Szabo, Cs., Korondi, P. and Szemes, P. (2004): On the Development of Mamdani PI-Fuzzy Controllers for a Class of Mobile Robots. Proceedings of IEEE 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Application - ISDA 2004, Budapest, Hungary, 1, pp. 277-282.
53. Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (2004): Sensitivity Analysis of a Class of Fuzzy Controlled Mobile Robots. Proceedings of 2nd IFAC Workshop on Advanced Fuzzy/Neural Control - AFNC'04, Ed. Leiviska, K., Oulu, Finland, pp. 115-120.
54. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (2004): Sensitivity Study of a Class of Fuzzy Controlled Servo Systems. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Global Research and Education in Intelligent Systems - INTER-ACADEMIA 2004, Budapest, Hungary, 1, pp. 47-56.
55. Kovacs, G., Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St. and Gyurko, Z. (2004): Time Delay Compensation for Networked Control Systems. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Global Research and Education in Intelligent Systems - INTER-ACADEMIA 2004, Budapest, Hungary, 1, pp. 207-214.
56. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (2004): Low Cost Fuzzy Control Solutions for Embedded Systems. Proceedings of Budapest Tech International Jubilee Conference - Science in Engineering, Economics and Education, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 151-162.
57. Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (2004): Development of TS Fuzzy Controllers with Dynamics for Low Order Benchmarks with Time Variable Parameters. Proceedings of 5th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 239-248.
58. Preitl, St., Precup R.-E., Preitl Zs. (2005): Two Degree of Freedom Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Controllers in Trajectory Tracking, Proc. of 6-th Int. Carpathian Control Conference, Miskolc-Lilafured, Hungary, may 24-27, 2005, pp. 273-278
59. Preitl St. and Precup, R.-E. (2005) Sensitivity Study of a Class Of Fuzzy Control Systems, Periodica Polytechnica Ser. El. Eng. Vol. 49, no. 1-2, pp. 1-13 , Hungary
60. Preitl St. and Precup, R.-E. (2005) On a Class of Control Systsems with Takagi-Sugeno PI-Fuzzy Controllers, Proceedings of the 2-nd Romanian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Computatinal Intelligence, SACI-2005, Timisoara, May 12-14, 2005, pp.45-58
61. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E., Preitl, Zs. (2005), Sensitivity Analysis of Low Cost Fuzzy Controlled Servo Systems, 16th World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control 2005, Prague, Czech Republic, Preprints, Editors: P. Horacek, M. Simandl, P. Zitek, DVD, paper index 1794, 6 pages
62. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., (2005), Stability Analysis of Fuzzy Control Systems. Multivariable Point of View, 16th World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control 2005, Prague, Czech Republic, Preprints, Editors: P. Horacek, M. Simandl, P. Zitek, DVD, paper index 01794, 6 pages
63. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, Zs., Kilyeni, (2005),St., Fuzzy Control Solution for Hydro Turbine Generators, 2005 IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA2005), Budapest, Hungary, ISBN 0-7803-9138-1, Proceedings, pp. 83 - 88
64. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E., Preitl, Zs., (2005), Two Degree of Freedom Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Controllers in Trajectory Tracking, International Carpathian Control Conference ICCC'2005, Miskolc-Lillafured, Hungary, Proceedings, Editors: T. Adam, P. Serfozo, A.K. Varga, J. Vasarhelyi, ISBN 963-661-644-2, vol. I, pp. 273 - 278
65. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., (2005), On a Class of Control Systems with Takagi-Sugeno PI-Fuzzy Controllers, 2nd Romanian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence - SACI 2005, Timişoara, Romania, Proceedings, ISBN 963-7154-39-6, pp. 45 - 58
66. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., (2005), Stability and Sensitivity Analysis of Fuzzy Control Systems. Mechatronics Applications, 6th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, Budapest, Hungary, Proceedings, 2005, ISBN 963-7154-43-4, pp. 130 - 143
67. J. K. Tar, J. F. Bito, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, (2006) The Effect of the Static Striebeck Friction in the Robust VS / Sliding Mode Control of a Ball-Beam System, 15th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region RAAD 2006, Balatonfured (Ungaria), Proceedings, ISBN 963-7154-48-5, 2006, CD-ROM, paper index 5
68. St. Preitl,, R.-E. Precup (2006) Experiments in Fuzzy Control of a Class of Servo Systems for Mobile Robots, 15th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region RAAD 2006, Balatonfured (Ungaria), Proceedings, ISBN 963-7154-48-5, 2006, CD-ROM, paper index 51
69. R.-E. Precup, St. Preitl, Zs. Preitl, (2006) Fuzzy Control Solution for a Class of Tricycle Mobile Robots, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics ICM 2006, Budapesta (Ungaria), Proceedings, ISBN 1-4244-9713-4, 2006, CD-ROM, paper index BPA_037, pp. 208 - 213
70. R.-E. Precup, St. Preitl, (2006) A Genetic Iterative Feedback Tuning (GIFT) Method for Fuzzy Control System Development, 2006 International Symposium on Evolving Fuzzy Systems, Ambleside, Lake District (Anglia), Proceedings, ISBN 0-7803-9719-3, 2006, pp. 144 - 149
71. R.-E. Precup, St. Preitl (2006) Low Cost Fuzzy Controlled Servo Systems in Mechatronic Systems, 4th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems MECHATRONICS 2006, Heidelberg (Germania), Preprints, 2006, CD-ROM, paper index 40, pp. 247 - 252
72. R.-E. Precup, St. Preitl, (2006) Development Method for Low Cost Fuzzy Controlled Servosystems, 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control ISIC, Munchen (Germania), Proceedings, 2006, CD-ROM, paper index 125, pp. 2707 - 2712
73. R.-E. Precup, St. Preitl, I. J. Rudas, J. K. Tar, (2006) On the Use of Iterative Learning Control in Fuzzy Control System Structures, 7th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, Budapesta (Ungaria), Proceedings, ISBN 963-7154-54-X, 2006, pp. 69 - 82
74. St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, J. Fodor, B. Bede (2006) On the Use of Iterative Feedback Tuning Algorithms in Fuzzy Control System Design, 3rd Romanian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence SACI 2006, Timişoara, Proceedings, ISBN 963-7154-46-9, 2006, pp. 46 - 58
75. J. K. Tar, I. J. Rudas, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup (2006) Robust Potential Limited Control for Systems of Unmodeled Internal Degrees of Freedom3rd Romanian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence SACI 2006, Timişoara, Proceedings, ISBN 963-7154-46-9, 2006, pp. 278 - 285
76. St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, J. Gati, Gy. Kaartyas, S. Szenasi (2006) Enhanced Mixed Campus and Distance Higher Education 3rd Romanian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence SACI 2006, Timişoara, Proceedings, ISBN 963-7154-46-9, 2006, pp. 524 - 535
77. R.-E. Precup, St. Preitl, C. Ardelean (2006) On a Two-Degree-of-Freedom Iterative Feedback Tuning Approach, 7th International Conference on Technical Informatics CONTI'2006, Timişoara, Editors: O. Proştean, St. Preitl, M. Crişan, R.-E. Precup, D. Andreescu, D. Pescaru, M. Stratulat, Proceedings, Editura Politehnica, Timişoara, ISBN 973-625-320-1, 2006, vol. 1, pp. 19 - 24
78. A. Gaudia, P. Korondi, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup (2006) Recognizing Unusual Behaviour in Distributed Environment, 7th International Conference on Technical Informatics CONTI'2006, Timişoara, editori: O. Proştean, St. Preitl, M. Crişan, R.-E. Precup, D. Andreescu, D. Pescaru, M. Stratulat, Proceedings, Editura Politehnica, Timişoara, ISBN 973-625-320-1, 2006, vol. 1, pp. 55 - 60
79. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, Zs., Preitl, St. (2007): Iterative Feedback Tuning Approach to Development of PI-Fuzzy Controllers. Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems FUZZ-IEEE 2007, London, UK, pp. 199-204.
80. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St. and Petriu, E. M. (2007): PI-fuzzy Controller Design Based on an Optimization Approach. Preprints of Third IFAC Workshop on Advanced Fuzzy and Neural Control AFNC 07, Valenciennes, France, CD-ROM, paper index TU 3-2, 6 pp.
81. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E., Fodor, J. and Takacs, M. (2007): Hints in Low Cost Solutions for Networked Control Systems. Proceedings of 5th IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics ICCC 2007, Gammarth, Tunisia, pp. 275-280.
82. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Kilyeni, St., Preitl, Zs. and Bărbulescu, C. (2007): Fuzzy Control Systems Dedicated to Electro-hydraulic Servo-systems. IFT Techniques and Sensitivity Analysis, Proceedings of IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2007 Computer as a Tool Conference, Warsaw, Poland, pp. 1409-1416.
83. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Kilyeni, St., Tar, J. K. and Luştrea, B. (2007): Iterative Learning Control Approach to Fuzzy Control Systems Development. Proceedings of IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2007 Computer as a Tool Conference, Warsaw, Poland, pp. 692-697.
84. Tar, J. K., Rudas, I. J., Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (2007): Experiments in Fuzzy Control of a Class of Servo Systems for Mobile Robots. Proceedings of 16th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region RAAD 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 263-270.
85. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Tar, J. K. and Tak�cs, M. (2007): Optimization Aspects in a Class of Fuzzy Controlled Servosystems. Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems INES 2007, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 235-240.
86. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, Zs. (2007): Case Studies in Teaching Fuzzy and Advanced Control Strategies. Proceedings of 8th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence and Informatics CINTI 2007, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 457-473
87. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Tomescu, M. L., Petriu, E. M., Tar, J. K. and Bărbulescu, C. (2008): Stable Iterative Feedback Tuning-based Design of Takagi-Sugeno PI-Fuzzy Controllers (Best Paper Award in the Area of Intelligent Control). Proceedings of 2008 Conference on Human System Interaction HSI 2008, Krakow, Poland, pp. 542-547.
88. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Fodor, J., Ursache, I.-B., Clep, P. A. and Kilyeni, St. (2008): Experimental Validation of Iterative Feedback Tuning Solutions for Inverted Pendulum Crane Mode Control (Best Paper Award in the Area of Intelligent Control). Proceedings of 2008 Conference on Human System Interaction HSI 2008, Krakow, Poland, pp. 536-541.
89. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Petriu, E. M, Tar, J. K. and Fodor, J. (2008): Iterative Learning-Based Fuzzy Control System. Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Robotic and Sensors Environments ROSE 2008, Ottawa, ON, Canada, pp. 25-28.
90. Rădac, M.-B., Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Tar, J. K., Fodor, J. and Petriu, E. M. (2008): Gain-Scheduling and Iterative Feedback Tuning of PI Controllers for Longitudinal Slip Control. Proceedings of 6th IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics ICCC 2008, Stara Lesna, Slovakia, pp. 183-188.
91. Tar, J. K, Rudas, I. J., Bito, J. F., Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (2008): Dynamic Friction Compensation in the Slotine-Li and in an SVD-Based Adaptive Control. Proceedings of 17th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region RAAD 2008, Ancona, Italy, Alexa Edizioni, CD-ROM, paper index 5, 8 pages
92. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E., Clep, P. A., Ursache, I.-B., Fodor, J. and Skrjanc, I. (2008): Pole Placement Approaches for Linear and Fuzzy Systems. Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics SISY 2008, Subotica, Serbia, CD-ROM, paper index 77, 6 pp.
93. Rădac, M.-B., Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Tar, J. K. and Petriu, E. M. (2008): Linear and Fuzzy Control Solutions for a Laboratory Anti-lock Braking System. Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics SISY 2008, Subotica, Serbia, CD-ROM, paper index 49, 6 pages,
94. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Tar, J. K., Fodor, J., Ursache, I.-B. and Clep, P. A. (2008): Low-Cost Fuzzy Logic Approach to Ship Course Control. Proceedings of 50th International Symposium ELMAR-2008, Zadar, Croatia, vol. 2, pp. 423-426
95. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E., Kartyas, Gy. and Gati, J. (2008): Model Based Concept for Higher Education on the Way Towards Highly Integrated Solutions in Computer Systems. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems INES 2008, Miami, FL, USA, pp. 99-102.
96. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Clep, P. A., Ursache, I- B., Tar, J. K. and Fodor, J. (2008): Stable Fuzzy Control Systems with Iterative Feedback Tuning. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems INES 2008, Miami, FL, USA, pp. 287-292.
97. Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E., Rădac, M.-B., Dragoş, C.-A., Tar, J. K. and Fodor, J. (2008): On the Stable Design of Stable Fuzzy Control Systems with Iterative Learning Control. Proceedings of 9th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence and Informatics CINTI 2008, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 345-360
98. Rădac, M.-B., Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Tar, J. K. and Burnham, K. J. (2009): Tire Slip Fuzzy Control of a Laboratory Anti-lock Braking System. Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2009 ECC'09, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 940-945.
99. Rădac, M.-B., Precup, R.-E., Petriu, E. M., Preitl, St. and Dragoş, C.-A. (2009): Iterative Feedback Tuning Approach to a Class of State Feedback-Controlled Servo Systems. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics ICINCO 2009, Milan, Italy, vol. 1 Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization, pp. 41-48.
100. Precup, R.-E., Rădac, M.-B., Preitl, St., Tomescu, M.-L., Petriu, E. M. and Paul, A. S. (2009): IFT-based PI-fuzzy Controllers: Signal Processing and Implementation. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics ICINCO 2009, Milan, Italy, vol. 1 Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization, pp. 207-212.
101. Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Petriu, E. M., Tar, J. K., Rădac, M.-B. and Dragoş, C.-A. (2009): Stable Design of Fuzzy Controllers for Robotic Telemanipulation Applications. Proceedings of 2009 IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Virtual Environments CIVE 2009, Nashville, TN, USA, pp. 1-6.
102. Rădac, M.-B., Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Petriu, E. M., Dragoş, C.-A., Paul, A. S. and Kilyeni, St. (2009): Signal Processing Aspects in State Feedback Control Based on Iterative Feedback Tuning. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Human System Interaction HSI'09, Catania, Italy, pp. 40-45.
103. Dragoş, C.-A., Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (2009): Electromagnetic Actuator in Mechatronic System. Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics EDPE 2009, Dubrovnik, Croatia, CD-ROM, paper index T03-003, 6 pp.
104. Precup, R.-E., Rădac, M.-B., Preitl, St., Petriu, E. M. and Fodor, J. (2009): On the Optimal Design of Low-Cost Fuzzy Controllers for Ship Course Control. Proceedings of 51st International Symposium ELMAR-2009, Zadar, Croatia, pp. 163-166.
105. Precup, R.-E., Gavriluţă, C., Rădac, M.-B., Preitl, St., Dragoş, C.-A., Tar, J. K. and Petriu, E. M. (2009): Iterative Learning Control Experimental Results for Inverted Pendulum Crane Mode Control. Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics SISY 2009, Subotica, Serbia, pp. 323-328.
106. Dragoş, C.-A., Preitl, St. and Precup, R.-E. (2009): Model Predictive Control Solutions for an Electromagnetic Actuator. Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics SISY 2009, Subotica, Serbia, pp. 59-64.
107. Precup, R.-E., Tomescu, M. L., Preitl, St., Petriu, E. M., Kilyeni, St. and Bărbulescu, C. (2009): Stability Analysis Approach to a Class of Fuzzy Controlled Nonlinear Time-varying Systems. Proceedings of IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2009 Conference, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, pp. 970-975.
108. Bărbulescu, C., Kilyeni, St., Vuc, Gh. , Luştrea, B., Precup, R.-E. and Preitl, St. (2009): Software Tool for Power Transfer Distribution Factors (PTDF) Computing within the Power Systems. Proceedings of IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2009 Conference, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, pp. 532-539.
109. Pozna, Cl., Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Petriu, E. M. and Tar, J. K. (2009): Structure for Behaviourist Representation of Knowledge. Proceedings of 10th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence and Informatics CINTI 2009, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 55-68.
110. Dragoş, C.-A., Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E., Creţiu, M. and Fodor, J. (2009): Modern Control Solutions for Mechatronic Servosystems: Comparative Case Studies. Proceedings of 10th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence and Informatics CINTI 2009, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 69-82.
111. Precup, R.-E., Tomescu, M. L., Petriu, E. M., Preitl, St., Fodor, J. and Bărbulescu, D. (2010): Stability Analysis of a Class of MIMO Fuzzy Control Systems. Proceedings of 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence WCCI 2010, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 2885-2990.
112. Precup, R.-E., Spătaru, S. V., Petriu, E. M., Preitl, St., Rădac, M.-B. and Dragoş, C.-A. (2010): Stable and Optimal Fuzzy Control of a Laboratory Antilock Braking System. Proceedings of 2010 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics AIM 2010, Montreal, Canada, pp. 593-598.
113. Precup, R.-E., Dioanca, L.-T., Petriu, E. M., Rădac, M.-B., Preitl, St. and Dragoş, C.-A. (2010): Tensor Product-Based Real-time Control of the Liquid Levels in a Three Tank System. Proceedings of 2010 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics AIM 2010, Montreal, Canada, pp. 768-773.
114. Precup, R.-E., Borchescu, C., Rădac, M.-B., Preitl, St., Dragoş, C.-A., Petriu, E. M. and Tar, J. K. (2010): Implementation and Signal Processing Aspects of Iterative Regression Tuning. Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics ISIE 2010, Bari, Italy, pp. 1657-1662.
115. Precup, R.-E., Spătaru, S. V., Rădac, M.-B., Petriu, E. M., Preitl, St. and Dragoş, C.-A. (2010): Model-based Fuzzy Control Solutions for a Laboratory Antilock Braking System. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Human System Interaction HSI 2010, Rzeszow, Poland, pp. 133-138.
116. Dragoş, C.-A., Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E. and Petriu, E. M. (2010): Magnetic Levitation System Laboratory-based Education in Control Engineering. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Human System Interaction HSI 2010, Rzeszow, Poland, pp. 496-501 (
117. Precup, R.-E., Moşincat, I., Rădac, M.-B., Preitl, St., Kilyeni, St., Petriu, E. M. and Dragoş, C.-A. (2010): Experiments in Iterative Feedback Tuning for Level Control of Three-Tank System. Proceedings of 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electromechanical Conference MELECON 2010, Valletta, Malta, pp. 564-569 (
118. Dragoş, C.-A., Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Petriu E. M. and Rădac, M.-B. (2010). Proceedings of 7th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation EUROSIM 2010, Prague, Czech Republic, vol. 2: Full Papers (CD), paper index 155, 8 pp. (
119. Dragoş, C.-A., Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E., Bulzan, R.-G., Petriu, E. M. and Tar, J. K. (2010). Experiments in Fuzzy Control of a Magnetic Levitation System Laboratory Equipment. Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics SISY 2010, Subotica, Serbia, 2010, pp. 601-606, (
120. Dragoş, C.-A., Preitl, St., Precup, R.-E., Parlea, D., Neş, C.-S., Petriu, E. M. and Pozna, Cl. (2010): Modeling of a Vehicle with Continuously Variable Transmission. Proceedings of 19th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region RAAD 2010, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 441-446.
121. Dragoş, C.-A., Precup, R.-E., Preitl, St., Rădac, M.-B. (2010): Low-cost Fuzzy Control Solutions for Electromechanical Applications , Plenary (invited) paper, Proceedings of the 2-nd international scientific and expert conference, Volume 1, Kecskemet , Hungary, 4-5. November 2010 (ISSN: 1586-846x / ISBN 978-963-7294-85-3 , vol. 1. ISBN 978-963-7294-86-0, pp. 10-23)
122. C.-A. Dragoş, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, C.-S. Neş, D. P�rlea and A. S. Paul, Control Solutions for Vehicles with Continuously Variable Transmission, Proceedings of 11th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics CINTI 2010, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 157-162, 2010 (
123. St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, C.-A. Dragoş and M.-B. Rădac (2010), Tuning of 2-DOF Fuzzy PI(D) Controllers. Laboratory Applications, Proceedings of 11th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics CINTI 2010, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 237-242, 2010 (
124. R.-E. Precup, M.-L. Tomescu, St. Preitl, E. M. Petriu and C.-A. Dragoş (2010) Stability Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Control Systems for a Class of Nonlinear SISO Discrete-Time Systems, Proceedings of 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy, pp. 13612-13617, 2011 (,
125. R.-E. Precup, R.-C. David, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl and M.-B. Rădac (2011) Gravitational Search Algorithms in Fuzzy Control Systems Tuning, Proceedings of 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy, pp. 13624-13629, 2011 (,
126. T. Haidegger, L. Kovacs, R.-E. Precup, St. Preitl, B. Benyo and Z. Benyo (2011) Cascade Control for Telerobotic Systems Serving Space Medicine, Proceedings of 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy, pp. 3759-3764, 2011 (,
127. R.-E. Precup, P. A. Ianc, E. M. Petriu, C.-A. Dragoş, St. Preitl and M.-B. Rădac (2011), Low-Cost Fuzzy Control Approaches to a Class of State Feedback-Controlled Servo Systems, Proceedings of 2011 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics AIM 2011, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 1022-1027, 2011 (
128. C.-A. Dragoş, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu and A.-I. Stinean, (2011) A Comparative Case Study of Position Control Solutions for a Mechatronics Application, Proceedings of 2011 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics AIM 2011, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 814-819, 2011 (
129. � M.-B. Rădac, R.-B. Grad, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl and C.-A. Dragoş (2011), Mixed Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning - Iterative Feedback Tuning: Method and Laboratory Assessment, Proceedings of 20th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics ISIE 2011, Gdansk, Poland, pp. 649-654, 2011 (
130. M.-B. Rădac, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl and R.-C. David, (2011) Stable Iterative Feedback Tuning Method for Servo Systems, Proceedings of 20th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics ISIE 2011, Gdansk, Poland, pp. 1943-1948, 2011 (
131. M.-B. Rădac, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu, P. A. Ianc, St. Preitl and C.-A. Dragoş (2011), Low-Cost Optimal State Feedback Fuzzy Control of Nonlinear Second-Order Servo Systems, Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Applications CIMSA 2011, Ottawa, ON, Canada, pp. 103-106, 2011 (
132. C.-A. Dragoş, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu, M. L. Tomescu, St. Preitl, R.-C. David and M.-B. Rădac, (2011): 2-DOF PI-Fuzzy Controllers for a Magnetic Levitation System, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics ICINCO 2011, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, vol. 1, pp. 111-116, 2011 (
133. R.-E. Precup, F.-C. Enache, M.-B. Rădac, E. M. Petriu, C.-A. Dragoş and St. Preitl (2011), Iterative Learning Control Application to a 3D Crane System, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics ICINCO 2011, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, vol. 1, pp. 117-122, 2011 (
134. M.-B. Rădac, F.-C. Enache, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl and C.-A. Dragoş (2011) Previous and Current Cycle Learning Approach to a 3D Crane System Laboratory Equipment, Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems INES 2011, Poprad, Slovakia, pp. 197-202, 2011 (
135. T. A. Varkonyi, J. K. Tar, I. J. Rudas, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup and A. R. Varkonyi-Koczy (2011) A Novel Approach to Robust Fixed Point Transformation, Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics ISCIII 2011, Floriana, Malta, pp. 13-18, 2011 (
136. M.-B. Rădac, R.-B. Grad, R.-E. Precup, St. Preitl, C.-A. Dragoş, E. M. Petriu and A. Kilyeni(2011) Mixed Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning - Iterative Feedback Tuning Approach to the Position Control of a Laboratory Servo System, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer as a Tool EUROCON 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, paper index 453, 4 pp., 2011 (
137. A.-I. Stinean, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, C.-A. Dragoş and M.-B. Rădac (2011) 2-DOF Control Solutions for BLDC-m Drives, Proceedings of IEEE 9th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics SISY 2011, Subotica, Serbia, pp. 29-34, 2011 (
138. A.-I. Stinean, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, C.-A. Dragoş, M.-B. Rădac and E. M. Petriu (2011) State feedback fuzzy control solution for BLDC drives, Proceedings of 12th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics CINTI 2011, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 85-90, 2011 (
139. A.-I. Stinean, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, Cl. Pozna, C.-A. Dragoş and M.-B. Rădac (2011) Speed and position control of BLDC servo systems with low inertia, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications CogInfoCom 2011, Budapest, Hungary, 10 pp., 2011 (
140. M.-B. Rădac, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu, B.-S. Cerveneak, C.-A. Dragoş and St. Preitl (2012) Stable Iterative Correlation-Based Tuning Algorithm for Servo Systems, Proceedings of 38th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society IECON 2012, Montreal, QC, Canada, pp. 2500-2505, 2012 (
141. R.-E. Precup, M.-B. Rădac, H.-I. Filip, St. Preitl, C.-A. Dragoş and E. M. Petriu (2012) Signal Processing in Iterative Improvement of Inverted Pendulum Crane Mode Control System Performance, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference I2MTC 2012, Graz, Austria, pp. 812-815, 2012 (
142. M.-B. Rădac, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl and C.-A. Dragoş (2012) Experiment-Based Approach to Reference Trajectory Tracking, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), Part of 2012 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 470-475, 2012 (
143. C.-A. Dragoş, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu and A.-I. Stinean, Adaptive Control Solutions for the Position Control of Electromagnetic Actuated Clutch Systems, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium IEEE IV'12, Alcala de Henares, Spain, pp. 81-86, 2012 (
144. B.-S. Cerveneak, M.-B. Rădac, R.-E. Precup, A.-I. Stinean, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl and C.-A. Dragoş, (2012) Novel Iterative Formulation of Correlation-Based Tuning, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology ICIT 2012, Athens, Greece, pp. 898-903, 2012 (
145. St. Preitl, A.-I. Stinean, R.-E. Precup, Zs. Preitl, E. M. Petriu, C.-A. Dragoş and M.-B. Rădac (2012) Controller Design Methods for Driving Systems Based on Extensions of Symmetrical Optimum Method with DC and BLDC Motor Applications, Proceedings of 2nd IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control PID'12, Brescia, Italy, Advances in PID Control, vol. 2, R. Vilanova and A. Visioli, Eds., pp. 264-269, 2012 (,
146. A.-I. Stinean, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu, C.-A. Dragoş and M.-B. Rădac (2012) 2-DOF PI(D) Takagi-Sugeno and Sliding Mode Controllers for BLDC Drives, Proceedings of 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference EPE-PEMC 2012 ECCE Europe, Novi Sad, Serbia, pp. DS2a.7-1-DS2a.7-6, 2012 (
147. R.-C. David, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu, M.-B. Rădac, C. Purcaru, C.-A. Dragoş and St. Preitl (2012) Adaptive Gravitational Search Algorithm for PI-fuzzy Controller Tuning, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics ICINCO 2012, Rome, Italy, vol. 1, pp. 136-141, 2012 (
148. M.-B. Rădac, B.-A. Bigher, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu, C.-A. Dragoş, St. Preitl and A.-I. Stinean (2012) Data-based Tuning of PI Controllers for Vertical Three-Tank Systems, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics ICINCO 2012, Rome, Italy, vol. 1, pp. 31-39, 2012 (
149. R.-E. Precup, R.-C. David, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl and M.-B. Rădac (2012) Charged System Search Algorithms for Optimal Tuning of PI Controllers, Proceedings of 1st IFAC Conference on Embedded Systems, Computational Intelligence and Telematics in Control CESCIT 2012, Wuerzburg, Germany, K. Schilling and E. Leutert, Eds., pp. 115-120, 2012 (
150. A.-I. Stinean, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu, C.-A. Dragos and M.-B. Rădac (2012) Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Control Solutions for BLDC Drives, Proceedings of 2012 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion SPEEDAM 2012, Sorrento, Italy, pp. 724-729, 2012 (
151. A.-I. Stinean, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, C.-A. Dragos and M.-B. Rădac, (2012) Hybrid Fuzzy Control Solutions for Brushless DC Drives with Variable Moment of Inertia, Proceedings of IEEE 10th Jubilee International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics SISY 2012, Subotica, Serbia, pp. 317-322, 2012 (
152. St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, A.-I. Stinean, C.-A. Dragos and M.-B. Rădac, (2012) Control structures for variable inertia output coupled drives, Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Symposium on Logistics and Industrial Informatics LINDI 2012, Smolenice, Slovakia, pp. 179-184, 2012 (
153. R.-E. Precup, H.-I. Filip, M.-B. Rădac, Cl. Pozna, C.-A. Dragoş and St. Preitl, (2012) Experimental results of evolving Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models for a nonlinear benchmark, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications CogInfoCom 2012, Kosice, Slovakia, pp. 567-572, 2012 (
154. M.-B. Rădac, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu, St. Preitl and C.-A. Dragoş (2013) Constrained Data-Driven Controller Tuning for Nonlinear Systems (Certificate of Appreciation for the Best Paper in the Session TT07 1 Control Theory), Proceedings of 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society IECON 2013, Vienna, Austria, pp. 3402-3407, 2013 (
155. R.-E. Precup, M.-B. Rădac, E. M. Petriu, C.-A. Dragoş and St. Preitl (2013) Simulated Annealing Approach to Fuzzy Modeling of Servo Systems, Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics CYBCONF 2013, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 267-272, 2013 (
156. A.-I. Stinean, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, C.-A. Dragoş, M.-B. Rădac and E. M. Petriu, Modeling and Control of An Electric Drive System with Continuously Variable Reference, Moment of Inertia and Load Disturbance, Proceedings of 9th Asian Control Conference ASCC 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, paper 585, 6 pp., 2013 (
157. C.-A. Dragoş, R.-E. Precup, R.-C. David, St. Preitl, A.-I. Stinean and E. M. Petriu (2013) Simulated annealing-based optimization of fuzzy models for magnetic levitation systems, Proceedings of 2013 Joint IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Meeting IFSA/NAFIPS 2013, Edmonton, AB, Canada, pp. 286-291, 2013 (
158. A.-I. Stinean, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, C.-A. Dragoş, M.-B. Rădac and E. M. Petriu (2013), Low-Cost Neuro-Fuzzy Control Solution for Servo Systems with Variable Parameters, Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications CIVEMSA 2013, Milano, Italy, pp. 156-161, 2013 (
159. R.-E. Precup, M.-B. Rădac, E. M. Petriu, C.-A. Dragoş, St. Preitl and A.-I. Stinean (2013) Data-Driven Performance Improvement of Control Systems for Three-Tank Systems, Proceedings of 2013 6th International Conference on Human System Interactions (HSI 2013), Gdansk, Sopot, Poland, pp. 306-311, 2013 (
160. M.-B. Rădac, R.-C. Roman, R.-E. Precup, E. M. Petriu, C.-A. Dragoş and St. Preitl (2013) Data-based Tuning of Linear Controllers for MIMO Twin Rotor Systems, Proceedings of IEEE Region 8 EuroCon 2013 Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, pp. 1915-1920, 2013 (
161. A.-I. Stinean, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, C.-A. Dragoş, E. M. Petriu and M.-B. Rădac (2013) Solutions to Avoid the Worst Case Scenario in Driving Systems Working Under Continuously Variable Conditions, Proceedings of IEEE 9th International Conference on Computational Cybernetics ICCC 2013, Tihany, Hungary, pp. 339-344, 2013 (
162. A.-I. Stinean, St. Preitl, R.-E. Precup, C.-A. Dragoş, M.-B. Rădac and M. Crainic (2013) Adaptable fuzzy control solutions for driving systems working under continuously variable conditions, Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics CINTI 2013, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 231-237, 2013 (
163. Corina Mnerie, St. Preitl, V-F. Duma (2013)On the ascertainment of the mathematical model of a galvoscanner, SPIE Optical Metrology Conference, Munich, Germany, 13 - 16 May 2013 (
164. R.-E. Precup, M.-B. Rădac, C.-A. Dragoş, St. Preitl and E. M. Petriu (2014) Model-Free Tuning Solution for Sliding Mode Control of Servo Systems, Proceedings of 8th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference SysCon 2014, Ottawa, ON, Canada, pp. 30-36, 2014 (
165. A.-I. Stinean, St. Preitl, Radu-Emil Precup and M.-F. Crainic (2014) Study on Experimental Plant of Positioning Control Solutions for Processes with Variable Moment of Inertia, 9th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Inteligency and Informatics, Timisoara, Romania, 15 - 17 May, 2014
166. M.-F, Crainic, St Preitl (2014) Virtual Laboratory for a Remotely Operating Robot Arm, 9th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Inteligency and Informatics, SACI-2014, Timisoara, Romania, 15- 17 May, 2014
167. C.-A. Bojan-Dragoş, A.-I. Stînean, R.-E. Precup, St. Preitl and E. M. Petriu (2015) Model Predictive Control Solution for Magnetic Levitation Systems, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation & Robotics MMAR 2015, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, pp. 139-144, 2015 (
168. A.-I. Stînean, C.-A. Bojan-Dragoş, R.-E. Precup, St. Preitl and E. M. Petriu (2015) Takagi-Sugeno PD+I Fuzzy Control of Processes with Variable Moment of Inertia, Proceedings of 2015 International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications INISTA 2015, Madrid, Spain, 8 pp., 2015 (
169. Corina Anca Mnerie, Stefan Preitl, Virgil-Florin Duma (2015) Classical PID versus Predictive Control Solutions for a Galvanometer-based Scanner, 10th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Inteligency and Informatics SACI-2015, Timisoara, Romania, 15- 17 May, 2015
170. Marius-Florin Crainic, Stefan Preitl (2015) Ergonomic mode for operating a robot arm using a gamepad with two joysticks, 10th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Inteligency and Informatics SACI-2015, Timisoara, Romania, 15- 17 May, 2015
171. Simona Sgaverdea, Claudia-Adina Bojan-Dragos, Radu-Emil Precup, Stefan Preitl and Alexandra-Iulia Stinean (2015) Model Predictive Controllers for Magnetic Levitation Systems, 10th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Inteligency and Informatics SACI-2015, Timisoara, Romania, 15- 17 May, 2015
172. Alexandra-Iulia Stînean, Stefan Preitl, Radu-Emil Precup and Claudia-Adina Bojan-Dragos (2015) Model Predictive Control of a Mechatronic System with Variable Inputs, 10th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Inteligency and Informatics SACI-2015, Timisoara, Romania, 15- 17 May, 2015
Invited Papers and Talks:
Actual teaching and Research Team
· Prof. Dr. Eng. Radu-Emil Precup
· Lecturer PhD Eng. Claudia Dragos-Bojan
· Lecturer PhD Eng. Mircea-Bogdan Radac
· Teaching assist. PhD Eng. Alexandra Stinean
Former Colleagues (now in Romania or abroad)
· Eng. Simona Doboli, PhD, (1990-1994), Hofstra University, Computer Science Department, U.S.A.
· Eng. Zsuzsa Preitl, PhD, (2003-2005), R&D Engineer, SIEMENS A.G., Germany
· Eng. Levente Kovacs, PhD, (2001-2003), Professor at Obuda University Budapest, Hungary
· Eng. Simona Vaivoda, (2006-2008), now engineer in Timisoara, Romania
Doctoral and Post-doctoral Students
Graduated as PhD Students: Currently Supervised Doctoral Students:
· Claudia Dragos (2012) Mircea-Bogdan Radac, PhD